Author's Note :)

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Hey guys here are somethings I'd like to mention:

1. First of all thank you very much for reading my story. I hope my readers are liking the story so far. If you like this book don't forget to vote plus feel free to share your views with me (pm or comment). Give the poor girl some credit for writing a book guys.. :P

2. Please do not post rude comments or advertise other books in the 'comments section' as they will be removed. -__-

3. If you like the cover of my book know that it was made by a very good friend of mine: @MahamIkram. If you want a pretty, creative and artistic cover for your book just ask her, she does take requests - when she is free. :)

4. Prettiest please do not copy any piece of the story or the idea of the book because if you do you will be reported. In addition to that I will personally ask Dolores Umbridge to invite you to her annoyingly pink kitty wonderland of an office for a cup of tea... you already know how well that goes. Dont ya? ;)

5. English is not my first language so excuse me for my grammar mistakes. And if you do come across an error do tell me so I can correct it. ^__^

6. The chapters that I review and edit will have a tick symbol in the beginning of the chapter. Okaaay? ✓✓

7. Aaaaand if you want a dedication all you have to do is ask! If you encourge me and appreciate my work I might aswell give it to you anyway..

8. Comment 'donuts' if you read this. 🍩

Have a great day! Take care! Stay blessed!

Loads of hugs and love.. :) xx

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