Chapter Seven: The Monster In My Dream.

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Crunch, crunch, crunch.

The noise of twigs breaking, dried leaves crunching under my feet and my ragged breathing echoed in the dark of the night along with another sound, a hard low growl.

I slowed my pace, afraid of being found by the monster of the shadows. The moon and the grey clouds were consumed in their game of hide and seek. When the moon peeped through the blanket of grey, it shone its silvery light rays onto a cottage.

It was not anything big but definitely seemed cozy. Puffs of white smoke emitted from its chimney - oh wait, there were other colours too. I scrunched my nose up in thought at the odd colour of the smoke. I couldn't see what was inside because of the black tinted windows. I was not given anymore time to observe the dwelling because just then I heard it again..

A low but menacing growl. Only this time it was closer. Close enough for me to hear the unknown creature's breath.

I ran. My feet taking me in the direction of that hut in the middle of nowhere. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as I did.

Even as I ran the house didn't seem to come any closer and slowly but surely its walls began to fade.

"No, no, no, no. Please don't- urgh." I came to an abrupt stop. Just before it disappeared into nothingness the door of the cabin opened and in the door frame stood a woman with an apron tied on her belly. I squinted my eyes to get a better look of her face but it stayed unclear. I did, however saw her lips move in a blur and then I heard a whisper in my right ear.

Run. And that is exactly what I did.

After running a mile or two I tripped over a thick wood log and landed on the ground my butt up. I had badly grazed my arms in the process and sprained my right ankle too.

I sat with my left leg under me on the grass that felt harsh under my fingertips. I sat up straight to catch my breath, both hands on my aching knees begging me to give them a deserved break. But I knew I could not.

Suddenly it hit me.. It was far too eerily quiet. It could only mean two things, either that creature was hiding patiently waiting for its prey or it had given up and left. My brain, though, advised me to not get my hopes up too much. So I stood on my feet again and turned around.

Big mistake. I came face to face with a coyote, its mouth ajar showing off its fangs with saliva dripping down its canines. There was a dark maroon slash wound on the same side's jawline. From what was visible to my eyes the being before me had brown black fur and it was quite large as well. To say that it was a bone chilling sight is an understatement.

As my eyes moved upward they came in contact with a pair of scorching yellow ones. I screamed and ran for dear life.

Headed to nowhere I saw a tiny speck of white light just when my feet averted themselves in that direction and followed it.

I rush limped behind the gleaming object for about ten minutes until it vanished. I shook my head to snap myself out of the trance.

As soon as I did I found myself on the edge of a cliff and then I slipped. I found myself falling into the darkness with my eyes closed. The only sound I heard was my ear piercing scream as the lost myself into their abyss.

I was still screaming when I woke up from my dreadful slumber. I sat up straight in my bed to find the sheets messed up and parts of them tightly clasped in my hands. I heaved a few deep breaths and I lightly rubbed my forehead.

All of a sudden the door to my room burst open and there stood the same horrid creature from my nightmare as frightening as ever.

I screamed again backing away in fear until my back hit the headboard. I tightened my arms around myself and closed my eyes, praying.

In no time I felt a grip on my shoulders which caused my shriek to louden. When I peeped though my eyes I found Molly and Jasper looking down at me with their lips curved in evil smirks.

My eyes widened in shock watching them shake me as they both said, "You are the chosen one.. our master will be here to take you very soon.", in a very creepy robotic voice.

My eyes fluttered open as I sat up in bed. Beads of sweat ran down my face as I buried it in my hands. The door of my room opened as my breathing hitched afraid of who it might be.

When the door was fully open, there stood Jasper with a cute frown on his face.

"Err, what happened?" He asked moving his hand through his hair.

"I uh.. uh- I saw a lizard! Like right over there!" I said pointing above my bedside table.

He arched up his eyebrow and tilted his head as he continued "Okay, lemme get this straight. You saw a lizard 'like right over there'-" he mocked me. "And screamed like Aunt Molly asked you to eat that carrot pudding of hers for a whole month thrice a day." He visibly shuddered at the memory of Molls making us eat her 'carrot pudding '.

"Hehe.. technically yeah. Sorry about it though." I shifted uncomfortably in my position.

"Never mind. Just get some sleep now." He huffed and left, groggily shutting the door.

"I don't even want to think about sleeping now.. ", I thought as a cold shiver ran down my spine.


A.N: Hehehe.. let's get this story rolling people! My apologies for the late update.. I was away for a family trip actually.

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Mountains of love, Amna. ;) xx

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