Tiny Chitters

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Baby Tommy supremacy!!!

Tommy woke up suddenly, eyes widened in awe of his new surroundings. It was cold.

Tommy whines, hoping for someone to find him, he doesn't like this. He doesn't like being alone.

Family. Nest. Love.

He slowly got up on his small feet, wobbling wherever his instincts were taking him. He sneezes as snowflakes land on his nose, they sting.

He wipes away the snow, grabbing his tail and pulling it closer for warmth. Nothing but an over-sized red baseball shirt.

He wants to go home. Where is home? Family? His tiny brain can't comprehend.

Without noticing the rock in front of him, he trips. He falls and tumbles, shrieking and shivering at the cold ground, snow covers his now wet shirt.

He looks up after seconds go by, tears well up in his eyes, he wants his dad and brothers. He doesn't like this!

Tommy sniffles, rubbing his eyes and looking up, before screeching in terror.

A dark shadow looms over him, the shadow just stares but they smell familiar. Smell of home and feathers, like his father's nest.

Tommy babbled and gurgled, making grabby hands. He needs someone, even if they aren't his family.

Little did he know, that is his father, which is great. Although, the blown pupils of Phil are not so great. Oh boy, here we go.


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