Chirps and Blood

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Dadza and Baby Tommy

Phil couldn't believe his eyes. He couldn't hear anything else, his instincts taking over, which he had been keeping in for so long.

There, in front of him, is his son, His son that died to that bastard. His baby, his sweet child that he raised and got taken away.

Phil's claws twitched, tiny chirps being let out here and there. He watched as his baby was focused on him, and only him.

Nestling. Baby. Safe. Warm . Ours-

Phil ignored the calls of the crows, leaning down to pick up the small child. He was careful with his hands, as his sharp claws could harm his boy, his precious son.

A small wail rang out which startled Phil, but he quickly regained his composure as he came to a conclusion. He held his baby boy close, using his wings which are not much but enough to keep his baby warm.

Tommy nuzzled his small body further into Phil's arms. This made Phil smile softly, the dark shadow leaving his face for a minute, a much caring one took its place.

Together they both enjoyed the moment. Which didn't last long as the sound of mobs echoed through the snowy tundra.

Phil tightened his grip on Tommy, making the baby squeak and start squirming. His gaze darkened.


There's a phantom up above, which quickly swooped down and made a beeline towards them. Phil hissed and let one of his arms loose, the other one keeping a firm hold on his nestling.

With a loud and sharp screech of his own, Phil killed the phantom with one slice of the hand. This captured the attention of other mobs, which he let out a very sharp whistle at.

Covering Tommy's head and tucking his body further into his robes, he attacked the mobs.

Minutes later, blood covered the snow around them with the limbs, heads, and dust of mobs who were killed without a second thought because of his instinct driven mind.

Scanning the area for more mobs, he didn't notice he was squeezing his baby a bit tighter than he meant to hold him.

Tommy was wheezing and crying, scared and shocked by what had happened. He felt the whole world just go numb. This person did not feel safe right now.

Phil quickly cooed and trilled at the raccoon, claws raking through his soft golden locks. Tommy relaxed at this, the warmth and tension of everything slowly faded away.

The crows stared at the duo, looking at each other as Phil had ignored them, well partially ignored them. Why would he attack?

A few more minutes of checking the area, there was nothing. Looks like everything is alright.

Phil chirped happily before walking towards their home.

Soft snores could be heard from Tommy, Phil grinned at this, letting the soft gaze wipe away the murderous one. He steadily speed walked the last few steps to the warm cabin, knocking at the door after his last step.

The door quickly opened and there stood his warrior, all prepared and safe. The crows chirped in glee at the family reunion.



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