Chapter 5: Boom, Boom, Ciao

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"The best sex in the world is gay. Do you know why? It's obvious. There are no women." Palermo held up his glass of wine.

"Oh, haha. So funny." Seoul rolled her eyes.

All of the girls faked laughed.

"You're not a homosexual, you're a misogynist. You were brewed in a cauldron, not a womb." Nairobi said.

"No, no, Señorita. Don't confuse misogyny with biology. It's about facts. It's simple. Look, men need to expel their poison. Okay?"

Everyone just nodded, wanting to hear more about what Palermo was talking about.

"Every few hours, we need to boom boom. And after, we feel such repulsion for the body we dumped in. It doesn't matter who it is, we feel repulsion. So, we say, "Ciao."

"Boom, boom, ciao."

"Precious." Tokyo said simply.

"Homosexual sex."

The Professor was studying on the table. "Sex between women is also homosexual." He fixed his glasses.

"Boom, boom, ciao. Two men meet each other and relieve one another. Boom, boom, ciao. They don't even share names. It's marvellous."

Seoul puts her leg on her other leg and crossed her arms.

She sat next to Berlin, he was painting in his sketchbook while everyone was eating breakfast. He was painting his beautiful fiancé.

Tokyo leaned closer to the table. "Do you know what's marvellous? The incredible fucking women can do."

"And we can do it ten times in a row." Lisbon said. "Or more."

Stockholm butted in. "Multi-orgasmically."

"We can go for hours, not just five seconds." Nairobi said.

Palermo gasped

"Days too." Seoul joined the conversation.

Berlin gasped as well, with a smirk on his face and whispered in Seoul's ear. "Do you want to prove it?" He chuckled.

"After the heist, Señor." She whispered and winked.

"Can we make it sooner?" He asked.

"I don't want to end up getting pregnant."

"Fair enough, cariño." He smirked again.

"Oh, I know that look." Bogotá pointed at Berlin.

"What?" Berlin stopped smirking.

"Come on, we all know that face of yours. I've known this guy for a very long time. And I know when he's "exited" I wonder what he had whispered to Seoul." Bogotá chuckled.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Berlin acted like nothing happened.

Tokyo butted in. "Mhm, sure."

Palermo continued talking. "I'm not saying God didn't provide you with the possibility of pleasure, that would be misogyny. I am simply saying it's not a necessity."

"Oh, sure." Nairobi said.

"It's not an organic need for you like it is for men. Think about it, okay? The world is full of saunas..."

Helsinki was touching his beard. "Sure."

"...where men meet up and relieve each other. Public parks and restrooms, where we meet and boom boom and ciao. Fundamentally selfish. Where are the women's saunas?" Palermo asked.

"We don't need them."

"Oh, no."

"Of course not."

"There aren't any. Where you can find restrooms where you can rub beavers? Where are they? They don't exist. I'll tell you why. And it's controversial. It's that sex for females is conditioned by procreation."

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