the last train

139 6 0

genre; fluff and slight angst!

era; 40s bucky

he was the love of your life and like everyone else's lovers, he went off to war. but not without giving you a promise first. "i'm gonna come back to you, doll," bucky said as he slipped a ring on your finger that he'd had hiding in his pocket for months.

and for an entire year you held onto that promise.

you were waiting for the trains in a crowd of people anticipating the arrival of the soldiers. you were antsy, shifting back and forth on your feet and going up on your tiptoes to look over people's heads as the train came to a stop.

soldier after soldier hugged their loved ones and cried, but you couldn't find bucky.

you began to worry, but desperately held onto the little bit of hope you had left. and finally, once the crowd cleared, there he was. stepping off the last train.

a breath of relief, you had no idea you were holding, escaped your lips as tears rolled down your cheeks. "bucky!" you yelled across the tracks.

he looked around frantically, knowing exactly who the voice belonged to. his eyes met yours.

you ran as fast as your feet could take you and he pulled you into his arms. he lifted you off the ground and kissed the top of your head as you cried into him.

the winter breeze made your spine stiff and your fingers numb, but you hardly noticed. bucky would keep you warm now.

𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐥𝐲𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲; bucky barnes oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now