the lakes

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era; post civil war or tfatws

genre; fluff/very slight angst

you woke up to the sound of chirping crickets. as you stretched out your tense muscles, the thin sheet draped over your body dragged closer towards the end of the bed.  once your eyes adjusted to the early morning light, you looked over and realized that bucky wasn't laying next to you. 

the corners of your mouth turned down at this. as you decided to go look for him, the ice cold floor stung your bare feet. bucky was in the kitchen humming along to a song playing on the record player you'd gotten him for his birthday a few months back. 

with a smile, you walked over and wrapped your arms around him. he left a gentle kiss on the top of your head before going back to the omelet he was making in the sizzling pan. "how'd you sleep, gorgeous?"

you didn't move from his side, enjoying the heat rolling off of his body. "good, but it would've been better if i could've woken up next to you." bucky grinned and made eye contact with you for the first time today, "then who would've made you breakfast?"

"thank you," you kissed him on the cheek before going over to the coffee pot and filling it up with water.

a white cat leaped onto the counter and sashayed it's way toward you as it swished it's tail back and forth. you quickly moved your mug away, "alpine! you're not supposed to be in the kitchen." you picked her up with one hand and gently set her on the ground.

bucky chuckled from where he was standing. "what're you laughing at? It's your fault!" you said accusingly. bucky's jaw dropped slightly, "my fault?" you nodded, "mhm. you're the one who's always letting her do whatever she wants." 

bucky smirked with a shrug, "she's my little princess." you rolled your eyes, but it did nothing to hide your growing smile.

"she's a spoiled princess," you said matter-of-factly.

right at the moment, bucky's phone started ringing in the pocket of his jeans. you slouched against the counter and sipped on your coffee, hoping the call was just a scammer he could hang up on.

"hello?" bucky asked. the other end crackled for a moment, "we need you two back at the compound." bucky looked up at you without saying anything. he knew you didn't want to go back, and honestly he wished he could stay here with you forever too. but it just wasn't realistic. 

it wasn't the life you two led. it was time to go back to all the cynical clones and life-threatening missions. no more cliffside pools or fresh morning dew.

bucky nodded, though the person on the other end couldn't see him, "we'll be there tomorrow." you were glad that he'd at least given you another twenty-four hours in your cozy cottage living.

part of you wondered if it would ever end. the fighting, the debriefs, the paperwork, the worry. would bucky ever want to leave it all and settle down?

you didn't have it in you to ask that of him. fighting alongside these people has been something that helped bucky feel like he's redeeming himself from his past. not that he needed to. that wasn't him.

bucky said a few more words that you hadn't heard during your train of thought before hanging up. he walked over and placed both of his hands on either side of you face, "you know i love you?" it was more of a statement than a question. 

"i love you too," you said softly, mustering up the best smile you could give in your state of disappointment. 

bucky wasn't always the best with words and he couldn't say anything to reassure you, but his presence was enough. 

he was your safe place. even when the rest of the world was laying in a pile of ash, he held you and made you feel cherished. and when he was away on missions, you felt homesick.

people always wanted something they didn't have. money, power, glory, but all you wanted was him.

"we don't have to go if you don't want to," he whispers as he searches your eyes. 

you wished he was right.

that you could stay in your own little world down by the lakes away from reality. 

you sighed, "yes we do."

your shattered expression broke his heart, so he placed his soft lips on yours.

kissing your pain away.

"we'll come back someday."

𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐥𝐲𝐧 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲; bucky barnes oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now