jeongin ~ liar

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yang jeongin

jeongin is Y/N's boyfriend. she shares all her secrets with him. everything she does, everything she knows and everything she hears. she says it all. but, she has been hiding one thing from him.

jeongin wasn't home since he was busy with work. being a kpop idol is no easy job, especially if you're young like him. the extreme workouts, dancing for 10 hours straight and practicing their singing/rapping skills. they had to do it all. dont forget the extreme diet that theyre on too while they do all of that. its basically a living hell. they had to prepare for an upcoming comeback of course. Y/N took this opportunity to invite her friend over and do some stuff.

When her friend arrived, they were chatting non-stop since they haven't seen eachother in such a long time. they were friends since middle school and always loved each other. her friend's name was grace. her friend moved to the philippines a few months ago for work. she talked about how fun it was in the philippines and how nice the people were. after that, she excitedly asked "where is it?" And Y/N tells her to wait for a few seconds.

She grabs a black purse that was laying behind the couch and started digging in it.
As grace waits for Y/N to be done, she asked. "does your boyfriend know about this?"
"no, he doesn't. why?"
"why won't you tell him, he can't shame you for it. he's not your dad."
"well, he'll get all mad and scared. he's too much of a p^ssy to understand how good it is."
grace shrugs and tells Y/N to hurry up.
she takes her hand out of the bag and smiles "got it." she lights up the joint she just took out of her bag.
Y/N looks around nervously, as if she's afraid jeongin will catch her. She inhales deeply, then blows out a huge cloud of smoke. "do you also want some?" she asks her friend. grace nods and grabs it from her hand. after they smoked the hell out of that thing, they thought it was a good idea to get rid of the smell.

after they got rid of the smell, they sat on the couch and watched TV. Y/N hears some footsteps outside but doesn't think much of it. little did she know, jeongin was about to come home. he wanted to keep it a suprise since he doesn't usually come this early. jeongin opens the door and sees his girlfriend and her friend sitting on the couch. he smelled something awful, it stank. it wasn't super clear, it was super light and he could barely smell it. he couldn't tell what it was.
"hey love" he smiles as he walks up to Y/N. she runs to him and gives him a big hug. "I didn't know you would come this early!" she says, faking the excitement. jeongin pecks Y/N on the lips "it was a suprise." she smile after she heard that.
"what's that smell?" jeongin asked her.
"what smell? I smell nothing."
"no there's definitely some weird smell, did you burn the kitchen?"
she hits him playfully on the shoulder "why would I burn the kitchen" she giggles at his weird question.

time skip

the 3 of them were watching tv while eating some snacks. grace left after a few hours and the couple decided to go sleep since it was pretty late. after Y/N and jeongin got ready for bed. they went to sleep.
it was 3 in the morning when jeongin suddenly woke up with his arms around Y/N. he was still bothered by the awful smell from earlier. he shrugs it off and goes downstairs to drink a glass of water. on his way to the kitchen, he spots a black purse he's never seen before. "what's this?" he asked himself. he looks in the bag and thinks nothing of it. it was just gum, a hair tie, some mascara and a lighter. wait, a lighter? he digs deeper into the purse before he finds a joint roller. he froze and couldn't believe it. he thought he was lying to himself.

there's no way.

part 2???

A/N: it's probably been months since I last uploaded this book and im so sorry 😭 but you here go, an imagine I made up in like 5 minutes. thanks for reading and don't forget to vote if you enjoyed <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2023 ⏰

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