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433 8 6

Has some triggering things in here like blood and pain, also angst
#®14π'$ POV

Fuck, today is going to be a rough day. I can't handle today. I just hope that Scar will be there, he alway's makes me feel better. I started making my way towards the barge, to mainly check on profits. I brought shulker boxes full of stuff I might need to restock. I opened the tab list to see who was online.


My face got red when I saw Scar's name, I thought about what we could do today. My mind was racing with ideas, accidentally getting more romantic as it went on. I was thinking about it and subconsciously flew to Scar's base instead of mine after taking off. I snapped back to reality when I bonked my head on a tree branch. I fell to the next branch and was able to catch it luckily. I attempted climbing on to the branch but recklessly fell. I fell into the pond of magic and blacked out. (It is pond with a giant crystal in this au)

Scar's POV

I was headed to go work on some basic chores around my base when I heard a splash in water. I ran to the crystal and searched for something, it wasn't hard to find the person. They looked like Grian, I rushed over to them and confirmed the thought from before. His body was limp, I assumed that he blacked out because of the fall. I picked him up and brought him to my tree house and laid him on the bed.

A few hours later

I walked into my room to check up on Grian one last time before I go to do something else. I saw him laying on the bed, he looked like he was sick. I walked over to him and started to stroke his head. He opened his eyes slowly and then crawled up onto my lap. (They are dating here btw) His wings went limp and lowered to the floor. I wonder what his wings feel like? I went to stroke them but then he started to mumble about something random.

Grian's POV

I told Scar thank you for pulling me out of the lake. Even though I wasn't in the pond for very long it still felt like something was off. I know that it is a magic pond but still. "Scar?" "Yes?" "What exactly does the pond do? Like, what kind of magic is it?" I questioned with a curious yet tired look. "Oh, well the pond is all knowing, and when you get a bunch of the water on you it shows some of your darkest secrets!" Scar explained making some funny faces. I giggled at the faces but then realized what he actually said to me. I rushed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I lifted the blonde strands of hair out of my face. Then, I saw it.

The eye stared at me in the mirror, looking into my soul. It's purple glow sending shivers down my spine and creating goosebumps on my skin. My head started to hurt more as time passed. I could feel wings starting to sprout out of the sides of my head and my back. I winced in pain as I tried to fight it, the pain becoming unbearable. Tears began to prick at my eyes as I started to cry. I touched the spot of the pain and felt wetness. As I brought my hand to my face I saw blood mixed with gold and purple. I could feel the blood dripping down my back.

Scar's POV

I was going to check on Grian but when I got close to the bathroom door I could hear crying. I paused and began to panic, I knocked on the door and asked if he was okay. "Uh, yeah. Y- yeah, I- I'm f- fine." He answered with a shaky voice. "I'm coming in!" I yelled before opening the door.

When I opened the door I saw Grian rush out of the room and outside. I ran after him and once he got outside he shrunk back to the ground. You could see the blood stains in his hair and on his his back. His red sweater started to rip due to big lumps on his back. I rushed over to him and just tried to calm him down. As I was crouching down to him I noticed his clothes... shrank?

Everything was happening so fast. He sprouted big purple wings, white ring with lots of small eyes formed around his head in a x shape. He grew taller and the clothes that we once just a bit oversized were now way to undersized for him. And during this whole transformation he was screaming in pain and sobbing.

I stood and watched in horror as there was nothing I could do. After he stopped screaming I ran over and tried hugging him. Although the difference between us in size made it difficult. I remember that he when his wings are stroked it makes him feel more calm. So I walked to his back and started stroking one of his wings. His wings started to lower and his breathing became more steady.

Size comparison:

(Watcher Grian* not normal Gri)

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(Watcher Grian* not normal Gri)

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