Chapter one: Running up that hill and Meeting Seir

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AN: hope you guys enjoy the first chapter, this is where things truly begin for Dylan and this is also the chapter which introduces Dylan's big brother Damien and the interactions between him, Ori and Sein. This is also the chapter where Seir comes into the story and a song is played


Normal text: For when Dylan and co are talking

Italic text: For Ori, Sein and Seir

POV: the point of view of a character

🎵Italic text with music notes🎵: For when the characters are singing or for when music is being played

AN: for when I, the writer, add in a few things or give credit to pictures and videos I may use

After walking inside I placed Ori on the sofa and sat down besides him, Sein floated close beside Ori as I saw my big brother walk into the room. I stood up and gave him a hug before me and Damien sat down

Damien: Hey Dylan, welcome back bro!

Dylan: Hey big brother, good to see you.

Damien: So, how did it go?

upon hearing that I went silent for awhile before speaking, Ori and Sein watched on wondering how we know eachother

Dylan: The usual, I did meet some new friends on the way home though.

Damien: Oh, is it the orb of light and the spirit siting next to you?

Dylan: Yeah, Meet Ori and Sein.

Ori: Hello

Sein: Hi there, it's lovely to meet you Damien. I hope we get along well

Damien: I hope so too, so how did you end up here?

Sein: Ori and I have no clue how we ended up in this world, all I remember was we were running  before we were knocked out by a bright flash of light.

Dylan: Who or what were you running away from?

Sein: It was Kuro, a large dark owl who also lives in Nibel. she just started attacking Ori for no reason and his family even attempted to help but we lost them in the chaos.

Damien: Oh dear, this Kuro sounds pretty strong.

Sein: yes, she even caused the blindness of Nibel a few years back, thankfully me and Ori were able to restore the elements of light and save our home, however she was looking for something and she demanded we tell her where the item was.

I looked at Ori only to see that he was missing, I left Sein to chat and share her story with Damien while I headed off to find Ori. After looking for awhile I found him crying on my bed so I walked over to the bed and sat down besides him.

AN: the version used is from the stranger things clip from when Max escapes from Vecna, I recommend checking it out if you haven't already as it is one of my favourite clips of all time and fits the scene perfectly, I'd also recommend having the song playing as you read on as it will make the scene more magical.

Ori: I just hope my family is ok, I miss them so much

Dylan: I'm sure they're fine Ori, until we can reunite with them, I will keep you safe from Kuro.

I could see the tears in Ori's eyes so I decided to play a track to calm him down, I gently picked up Ori and held him close. I then put on Running up that hill and gently stroked his head, the song playing through the room

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