Chapter four: New powers awaken and new friends are met

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AN: This chapter adds more of a backstory between Darcy and Dylan, this is also the chapter where many new faces joins the story, I had a lot of fun writing this so I hope you all enjoy. let me know if you have any ideas or scenarios which you'd love to see added to the story, I'd love to hear them and I will consider each and every one of them and try to add them in as best as I can :D

It was the start of another great day, Oliva and Damien were busy preparing breakfast and I was on a morning walk with Ori, Sein and Seir. it was such a lovely day and i didn't want to waste it staying inside so I offered to take Ori with me and he was super excited to join me that he accepted it, Sein decided to bring her sister Seir along as well.

We headed to starlight park where me and Damien would play together, I took the trio to the nature reserve and we started our walk. I had brought my phone so I could take some pictures of the wildlife for Oliva's project.

Dylan: What's a lovely day it is today

Sein: It sure is  Dylan, thank you for letting us accompany you on this walk

Dylan: Awww, you're welcome Sein, I'm glad you guys are having a nice time

Seir: I see you're taking pictures, may I ask what they're for?

Dylan: Oh, Oliva asked me to take some nature pictures for a project she wants to do, so I said yes

Seir: You're a very kind person, helping others before yourself

Sein: I agree, no wonder Damien cares about you so much

Ori: Yeah, and he cares about us as well. Dylan is so kind and helpful

Sein: I couldn't had said that better myself Ori

I smiled at Ori's words, it meant a lot to me hearing that. 

Dylan's POV: I'm so lucky to have met them, they mean so much to me

That would all change when we ran into... her

Sein: Oh, what brings you here Darcy?

Darcy: I'm looking for something, I was not expecting to run into you

Seir: Did something go missing?

Darcy: now that you've said that, word have been going around about a new group looking for team members

Ori: Do you think they'll let Dylan join?

Darcy: I'm not sure

I could not believe what I was hearing, Darcy never cared about me.

Darcy: Though I am angry at Dylan for not speaking to me yesterday

Dylan: I didn't want to talk to you after what you did to me, you've never given me a chance to prove myself, you always push me away like I'm nothing and it hurts...

Darcy: I only pick people who can stand up for those who can't defend themselves, you would just get them hurt because you're not capable of working with others

Dylan: I AM! Need I remind you that when you told Damien that you weren't accepting new members, he saw you talking to your friends that I would never join, yet you let that girl with autism join the team with no problem! What is it about me that you don't want to be part of your team?!

Sein: I've got a bad feeling about this

Ori:  Me too

Seir: Me three, let's try and calm thing down before it gets worst

Ori: Good idea Seir

Dylan: Well come on, admit it... you hate me all because of my autism

Darcy: You know what! you will NEVER, EVER,  join team sparkle, because you're different and not in a good way! so just give up because I will never let you join... face the facts Dylan

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