Chapter Five: The Wish Crystal

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AN: This is the first of many long chapters in this story as a lot goes on in this chapter, with more new people added to the villains finally making their appetence, The true extent of Dylan's mission will all be revealed and this is where Dylan's adventure.....

truly begins. I hope you all enjoy this story

A few weeks had past since I met Max and in that time, a lot had happen. I was siting with Oliva, Ori and Sein as we watched TV and we saw that many unexplained occurrences had taken place within the last few weeks, I turned to Oliva and we both thought the same thing.

Damien: So those occurrences still haven't been shorted out huh?

Dylan: It would seem like it, I wonder who or what could be behind this?

Sein: It's very likely that Kuro has found our location and has launched an attack in the hopes of finding the wand of light, who knows if she's working alone or with others.

Ori: So far we haven't found any clues as to where the wand of light is located, it's likely Kuro doesn't know either.

Dylan: Perhaps they're looking for anyone who may have information on where it is hidden and how to get there.

Max Mayfield: I like that theory a lot Dylan.

Samaus Aaron: Me too, though we should be careful as Ridley could be on Kuro's side

Sora: If that's the case then we need to be prepared in case they come here

No sooner had Sora said that, we heard a knock at the door, Damien went to check it out and saw a group waiting, each of them were very different from the last, Damien came back into the room with a worried look on his face and I could tell that something bad was going on.

Damien: Ummm guys.... they're here, they're outside the door!

Seir: No....

Sein: They must be here for information on the wand of light

Ori: What should we do?!

Sein:  First, we mustn't panic, we must stay calm and see if we can send them away without saying anything about the wand of light

Seir: But who should go?

Max Mayfield: we should chose carefully, we don't want one of us to get captured by them

Sonic: They are very powerful and most of us aren't able to fight back yet, only a few of use can face them head on.

Mario: Whoever goes should have a plan in case things go wrong, it never hurts to have a backup plan

Everyone looked at eachother before I spoke up, I wanted to risk my own safety for that of my closest loved ones, that and I didn't want Oliva to get hurt.

Dylan: I'll go, I can go round the back through the garden.

Damien: What?! No I won't let you, I can't lose you Dylan.

Dylan: But you're no match for them, they can easily hurt you badly and I can't risk that, I can fight back using my newly acquired Keyblade and I'm quite fast so I can lead them away while you and the others get to safety.

I could see that Damien was against this, but I just had to buy them some time. I gave Damien a hug before heading out into the garden and made my way towage the group. I stood on the table and took a peak at who I was up against. I suddenly felt the air get colder and I had a feeling that a legendary pokemon was nearby

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