Platonic!W.Bonnie x Reader

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Coming home from a graveyard shift was always an exhausting part of the day. Though you had made it through the trials that had persisted these last couple of nights, tonight was particularly draining. However, working minimum wage had its perks. For example: if you wanted to take a decommissioned animatronic home, your manager might just look the other way. So that's exactly what you did with the stipulation that the animatronic had to be returned if the newer models needed specific parts. Looking at the somewhat withered animatronic in front of you, it was obvious that there wasn't much left to take. Bonnie, your favorite animatronic growing up, his face now removed and an arm missing brought a sense of joy into your busy life. His worn-down fur appeared to be as soft as it was back then although it was missing in a few areas.

Setting down your duffel bag you went up to greet the lifeless rabbit. You didn't often talk to it, after all, it was an animatronic in the living room of your apartment. If someone walked in on you talking to it they might think you were crazy. Tonight was an exception.

"Hey, bud." You greeted quietly. "I brought you something from work. I went through hell to get this so you better like it." You joked reaching into your duffel bag bringing out a mask. The original mask for Bonnie which he had long since lost.

Missing the endoskeleton to connect it to, you set it gently on his jaw to prop it up.

"That's gonna have to do until I get a sewing kit." You laughed. You smiled heartily before standing up and leaving for bed.

-time skip-

You finally came home from work after a fairly difficult night shift. It felt as if everything was out to get you, your fears were only confirmed when every animatronic appeared to try and attack you that night. It was now why you understood why you were allowed to take him in the first place. Looking over at the animatronic in the corner you debated taking him back to the restaurant, if only for safety. Taking a good look at him you saw the mask you had placed on his jaw although it seemed to be out of place, maybe it was your imagination. Looking at him brought memories of a simpler time, a happier time. Overwhelmed with emotions you knelt down and hugged Bonnie. You didn't know why and maybe you didn't need to but it felt right. You silently vented your frustrations to him, letting your tears fall onto the felt. For a split moment, you swore you felt him hug back.



Word count: 450

Time Spent: 1 hour

Requested by: Anon

Thanks for requesting! I didn't know if you wanted me to @ you so I left you anonymous. :) Have a good day.

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