Helping Out

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Hello everyone VirtualVirus here and before any of you ask, "What took me so long to make this chapter," I'll explain as much as I can at the end of the chapter. But for now enjoy the chapter folks!

Foxy's P. O. V.

I was laying back in one of the beach chair, since I didn't have a show until tomorrow I decided to relax for a while. It was like this until I heard a bell and looked at the clock in my new cove it said 12 AM.

Ah well I won't be bothered besides I don't feel like going after Mary or Jane today. Well until I hear my door open.

??: "Uhhh Cap'n? You there?"

Me: "Eh? Who's thar?!"

Jane: "It's me Jane. Uhh can you meet me at backstage? It kind of urgent."

Me: "Uhhh sure? Why?"

Before I could get an answer Jane closed the door and I hear footsteps fading away. I get up annoyed and confused as to what that was all about.

Me: "I swear, every lass in this god forsaken convention be always weird around me? Why be that?"

I walk out my room and into the main area with Fredina giving me glare. So naturally I flip her the bird and she gives this dumbfounded look and it stayed like that until I walked into backstage. I shut the door behind me, I was met with Mary and Jane behind the door that lead to the underground facility.

Mary: "So mind explaining why you went down there?"

She pointed to the door.

Me: "Well ye see I was bored 'n since thar was naught else t' do so I jus' went explorin'?"

Mary: *sighs* "We'll I suppose you going down there was I good thing."

Me: "Why's that?"

Jane: "Well we need someone to go do some maintenance on a few things down there and well since we found these... (points to the blueprints I took with me from my first trip down there) we though that you'd be the best suited to do the job."

Me: "Be this me punishment fer goin' down thar or somethin'?"

Mary: "Yes."

Me: "God damn it..."

Mary: "Well no more stalling."

She handed me a tool box and a hard hat with a light and headphones attached to it. I gladly took my pirate hat off and put it on the table then I took the hard hat and put it on my head and then grabbed the tool box.

Mary: "You need to get to work."

Jane: "You'll be going through the vent. Since we have a communication line with you now we can give directions for where you need to go."

Me: "Aye?"

I hop into the vent and it closes behind me when I'm fully in I active the light and I start crawling down it then I hear a buzzing from the headphones.

Mary: "Cap'n do you read me?"

Me: "I hear ye loud 'n clear Mary."

Mary: "Good no keep going until you see a fork in the vent."

Me: "Sure."

I did as I was told and sure enough there's two entrances. One went left and looked steep and the other went right and was level with the vent I was in.

Me: "Yarr, I'm at the fork. Which one t' I take?"

Mary: "Okay, so you'll want to take the left vent."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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