Rise of the Green Hood and the Red Shadow Pt. 2

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Star City

January 4, 2028

3:09 ETD

After the incident at South Korea, Lian was left with her uncle, Jim Harper, who is her legal guardian should anything happened to her father. Not even the company of relatives can bring comfort to her father disappearing into the night. She found herself sitting on her bay window in her bedroom anger moving into Jim's house.

Her head buried on her knees as she sniffed. The teen she encountered had not speak to her since the night. All she could think about was the words she wished she could've taken back when she also blamed her mother for something she hid for awhile, but she isn't here.

She then walked to a desk. Seeing the picture of her mother helding onto her as a toddler. Just looking at her face is like looking at a mirror. While she had her father's hair color, she only has her mother's face. Resentment and anger grew more as she swatted the picture away from her.

She calmed down the second her window knocked. It was Connor. He was in Star City for some reason. Lian felt better to have company from a stranger tham with her uncle. While Jim welcomes Lian to his home, he has his hands full with the Bow Hunter Security system at line. So he might be busy for awhile.

Liam opened the window for Connor to enter. Connor then climbs in to see how she is doing. "Hey, kid. How are you doing?" Connor asked. The sympathy in his eyes has Lian to think that everything should be okay, but it wasn't as she rubbed her arm. "Well, I had to stay at my uncle's for a while. But I doubt it was any consolation. But my dad was already reported missing since in Korea. So it's either this, or stay at my grandma's in Gotham. I can't go to Gotham, it will put Grandma in stress." Lian sighed grabbing her head. Fingers digging through her hair.

"Did you know something that your father had been targeted for?" Connor asked. Lian shook her head. "Not that I know of. But I am getting the feeling this relates to my mom. Throughout my life, my family had been keeping secrets for why my mom left. I think she did something wrong to make her the target starting with Dad. And maybe...me?" Lian sighed.

Connor then came into thoughts, to see if his intuition is correct. He looks around the room and notices the picture of Lian's parents on the floor. Then then walked towards it and pucks it up. "Can I see the picture?" Connor asked. Lian was a bit hesitant, the picture became nothing more than a haunting item for her to see the face of her own mother.

"Sure. I just can't stand seeing that face." Lian folded her arms and looked away as Connor examines the facial features of her mother.

-8 years later-

Lian, 18 in the future was standing on the rooftop wearing black spandex and mask, armed with an archery bow and dual sai. Arguing with Tommy Merlyn, 19 at this time.

"Lian, I am sorry. I never meant for this to happen." Tommy apologized. Not sure whether or not to believe him, but Lian began to put her foot down.

"Are you, Tommy?! How many more are you going to kill, they were kids just like us! And you and your father! What kind of people are you?!" Lian burst out her own anger. Tommy remained calm as he needs her for his true goal.

"I know, Lian. My father, the last thing I need to do is to end his own suffering. I know how it feels to be used, unwanted. Just like how your mother made you feel when she left." Tommy slowly approached her and gently takes her into her arms behind her. Making the adrenaline fuel into her pumping heart.

"I won't leave you, Lian. I won't leave you like Connor did. When he was a coward for not taking down Talia Al Ghul, permanently. Someday, we will take what we want. Never again will anyone go through the hell we've been through, and no lies will ever break us again. As for my father, you get to have the honor of finishing him. We will rule the League of Shadows together, just you and me."

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