The Rise of the Green Hood and the Red Shadow Pt. 3

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Rise of the Green Hood and the Red Shadow Pt. 3

In the future, the wake of the metahuman coming into existence, a new age of evolution had begun. Since ancient times, metas had became a myth since the Golden Age. In 2028, President Lena Luthor had placed a ban of vigilantism under unknown circumstances. And as a result, no vigilantes will emerge again without the risk of sentry robots being made to detect metahumans and arrest them. However, little do they known that a new generation will come into action.

-8 Years Ago-

"And then Little Red came closer to her grandmother. But to her confusion, she had never seen her so big before." Lian's mother read her a book months before her departure from their home. Lian is only 2 when she was asleep listening to the fairy tale of Little Red Riding Hood. "But the person she thought was her grandmother covered herself in bedsheets. The girl looked over her and said "What a deep voice you have." She says. But the old lady response was, "The better to greet you with."

Her mother turned the page of the book. Lian was used to hearing dark fairy tales cause it was literature to her. "Seeing the eyes of her grandmother, she says, "What big eyes you have."

Lian interrupts as she awoke and begins to speak in a tiny voice. "Mommy. Why would wolves eat people? Do they have to harm us?" Lian asked as she rubbed her eyes. Her mother then caressed her hair as she felt her eyes heavy. "Wolves can take the form of people, Lian. It showed the true colors of one's self. Someday, you can beat those wolves." Her mother stated.

-In 1978-

A teenage Nyssa Al Ghul was trained by her older sister as she aimed at her with arrows with her bow. Nyssa deflected with her palms and wrists with every throw she has. Perfectly, and gracefully.

Next she spars with Talia (her sister), blindfolded. She parried every hit Talia makes. Jumping her her swift kick. Talia was then grabbed by Nyssa with the shoulder and threw her to the floor and slammed her. Talia then said, "Enough. You may stop now. You did well, sister. If you keep this up, I can imagine you standing next to me as one of the faces in the shadows. Together, we will face every adversary that stands in the way. What are the words I told you before, Nyssa?"

Nyssa then bowed to her in respect. No love, no affection from Talia. But she wanted to prove her worth. "Once a shadow, always a shadow. I trust you above all else, sister." Nyssa assured her. Kneeling to her. Talia nodded. "Good." Then hands her a katana. "From now on, you will be my eyes. Cause you are now the Demon's Eyes." Talia stated by handing her the title.

"You have my word, Talia. I don't question your judgement for this, but why kill the innocent too?" Talia blinked, but also a bit annoyed at that question. But she never hesitates to answer. "Because, Nyssa. Innocence is nothing more than a weakness. It's why peace always dies. This world needs to evolve within the Light. That's why it is our job to make it stronger. This world was weak because of peace. And the time will come for it to come together to rid such weaknesses. You will see that in the end, innocence is nothing but an illusion. Do you understand, sister?"

Nyssa gulped, she never thought by meeting her sister, it will show her her true colors. She knew by joining the League of Shadows, she cannot turn back. "Yes, sister." She replied.

Lian got into her motorcycle she borrowed from a friend whom her father thinks is a bad influence. Still, she managed to get a hang for rising one. In the bay of Star City after gearing rumors of drugs lords rallying children for drug experiments.

Lian will not forgive a crime like that. Especially kidnappers. She despises crime and evil till this day. To her, the bad guys are wolves that hunt the weak in the night. Hunting down the people that used their own personal gain for their ends meet, it was her own goal.

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