The Rise of the Green Hood and the Red Shadow Pt. 4

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Queen Manor

February 10, 2031 (3 Years Later)

16:34 UTD

"Tori ga michi o midaseru yō ni." Lian was reading a Japanese literature for her lessons under Connor's tutelage. The ginger-haired girl is now 13. They are in the Quiver lair for not only to train in martial arts and weaponry, but also knowledge. Connor sits in front of her to oversee her progress.

"Very good, Lian. You're getting better than I imagined." Connor said. Checking his copy of the mythology of the Phoenix while following Lian's practice to speak Japanese. Lian then closes the book and sighs heavily. "Argh! My brain feel so exhausted. When can we go on patrol and kick butt?" Lian yawned.

"Lian, unless there are reports in this radio. We cannot risk any Sentry Bots coming after us." Connor reprimands her, only for her to pout.

"Đây là hạt dẻ. (This is nuts)." Lian sighs in Vietnamese, as her way of expressing herself without anyone understanding what she is saying. But Connor, otherwise, also spoke her language.

"Bạn nhận ra tôi có thể hiểu bạn đúng. (You do realize I can understand you.)" Connor replied. Lian facepalm for forgetting that. She then turned to Libby. "Hey, Libby. How's the new gadget going?"

"Can you be a bit more patient, Li? I need to concentrate. Trust me, you'll get your chance to try out the gauntlet-whip." Libby said, tinkering with the new gear she was going to equip the new dynamic duo. "Never thought I see the day Green Arrow and Speedy return. It's becoming big on tbe news. Though I wish they hadn't put you guys on the wanted list."

"Well, it's back to the old ages where superheroes are no longer wanted. But that's the world we now live in." Connor said, accepting reality as it was. But Lian wasn't taking this well. "All the more reason the law can never be trusted." Lian sighed taking a bite of her chips.

Later at the rooftop of Queen Manor, Lian was taking a moment to breathe in the breeze of the wind. She then takes out the necklace resembling the phoenix. A gift from her father as good luck.

This is the Phoenix. When life goes, a new one can began. That's what Dad always say. But what was my purpose since the day I was born?

Lian carries this after his disappearance. All she just wanted was to get stronger to get her father back. Never again will the weak suffer at the hands of evil, even if it means to cross lines.

Out there, it was always crime without punishment. But with vigilance, there was always a price.

"I miss you, Daddy." Lian said, holding onto the necklace.


January 6, 2028 (3 years ago)

8:45 ETD

Connor stowed away in a cargo truck while the trailers were being picked up to where the kids are being held. Hoping Lian would listen to him cause to him, she's only a child with an impulsive nature.

Then he got a calm from Night Sparrow. "GA, I caught another ride to one of White's ships. It might take time." Night Sparrow informed.

"How long?" Green Arrow asked while remaining in stealth. "I'd say for 3 hours left before the arrival. Where are you heading now?"

"I'm heading to the Amazon Jungle. It might be the secret base of China's gang." Green Arrow replied.

"I'm on my way." Night Sparrow said before Green Arrow cuts her off. "No, there's something you must do. Remember that kid that stowed away with me in the cargo ship? She's still there, hiding. I'm gonna need you to stick with her till I get back and get her. Can you do that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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