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The trio has made it in the knick of time. They stand in the back row of the crowd of students. The principal of the school, Masamichi Yaga, stands on stage to welcome the new first year students.

Yaga: Students, welcome to the next 3 years of your lives. At this school, we will teach you courage, knowledge, and willpower. This school will prepare you for the world once you graduate and prepare you for college. Now, your student body president.

Yaga stands to the side to reveal a boy with heavy bags under his eyes. His hair was kind of long and slicked to the right.

Yuta: My name is Yuta Okkotsu. I'm a second year and Your Student Council President. Let's make this year great. Your classes will be posted in the main hall in front of the shoe lockers. Also, there is a school map for those who didn't receive one upon checkin.

The rest of the students begin to walk out of the gym to go check on their classes. Itadori, Denji, and Gabimaru began to head out, but before they could, Yuji was grabbed by the shoulder. He turns around while Denji and Gabimaru countined walking.

Yuji: Hey! What the Hel.....

Yuji turns and sees a tall, well-dressed man with blond hair and sun glasses on.
Yuji's face lit up as he saw it was his old Foster Father Kento Nanami.

Yuji: NANAMI!!!

Nanami: Don't be too loud.

Yuji: What are you doing here?

Nanami: I'm the math teacher.

Yuji: What? You work here.

As the Nanami and Yuji catch up, Denji and Gabimaru enter the main hall to see their classes.

Denji: Not, one girl has a nice rack.

Gabimari: Could you shut up? At this rate, class will start before we see what class we're in.

Denji: Yeah. MOVE OUT THE WAY!!!

Denji grabs Gabi by the arm and begins pushing students out the way. One by one, students move aside, and the pair finally see the board.

Denji: Perfect! Now we can see.

Gabimaru: Looks like im in class 1.

Denji: Wait, I'm in class 3. Does this mean im smarterer than you, Gabi?

Gabimaru: Hmm. What about Yuji?

Gabi turns around to look for Yuji, but he is nowhere to be found.

Gabimaru: Where did he go?

Denji: Huh?

Gabimaru: Yuji, he's gone.

Denji: He'll be fine.

Gabimaru: I'm sure he will.

As Gabimaru and Denji began to start heading to their class, hads cover Gabi's eyes. Gabi's face goes read as he knows exactly whose hands these were.

Yui: Guess who?

The womans voice brought sweetness to the ears.

Gabimaru: Yui!

Gabi turns and hugs Yui, grabbing her by the waist. He lifts here into the air.

Yui: Yay! You guessed, right?

Gabimaru puts her down, and she begins walking with the boys.

Yui: Hi, Denji!

Denji: Hey.

Yui: Where's Mochi?

Gabimaru: Yuji? We don't know he just dipped.

Yui: Gabi, did you see we're in the same class!

Gabimaru: I did, sweetie.

Yui: I'm so happy. We get to spend every day together.

Gabimaru: Yeah! You should come over to the house more.

Yui: Oh, definitely. This friday, im free, so ill comeover then, ok, my marshmellow.

Gabimaru: Ok, my golden haired goddess.

Denji grows disgusted by all this lovey dovey crap.  As they approach the classrooms, they see Yuji talking to a teacher by one of the rooms.

Denji: YUJI!!!!!!

Denji runs to Yuji and tackles him onto the ground.

Yuji: Oww! What the heck, Denji!?


Yuji looks over to see what Denji was pointing at. Gabimaru and Yui are standing in front of their classroom just staring into their eyes.

Yuji: I am SO sorry.

Yuji begins to comfort Denji.

Yuji: For as much as Gabimaru acts tough the moment Yui is around, He does a complete 180.

Gabi and Yui walk into their classroom.

Denji: Yuji, what class you in?

Yuji: Class 3.

Denji smiles as he will know at least one person in class.

Yuji: Oh, Nanami, you remember Denji.

Nanami: Yes. *in mind* unfortunately.

Denji: What up pop's. Why are you here?

Yuji: He's a teacher!


Nanami: Well, I have to go. Have a good firstday. Yuji.

Yuji and Denji go to their classroom. As they open the door, they are greeted by many faces and endless possibilities of new friends and adventures.

Denji scopes out the room and finds a bunch of cute girls, and Yuji walks in nonchalantly.

Yuji sits in the middle back and Denji takes the far right window seat.

Yuji: So it begins.

Denji: Yup, high school.

In class 1, notable students are.



Sagiri Yamada


Izuku Midoriya

Bakugo katsuki

In Class 2.

Kugisaki Nobara

Chobei Aza

Tanjiro Kamado

Nezuko Kamado

Noelle Silva

Mimosa Vermillion

In class 3

Itadori Yuji






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