Gabimaru 's Solo adventure

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From what happened yesterday, Yuji was asked to visit his foster family. Denji is going out with that Makima girl.

Gabimaru: Now, I'm home alone.

It was the weekend, and Yui and Sagiri won't be intown till sunday evening.

Gabimaru: I'm so bored, nothing to do. I guess i could work out or play games. i don't know.

Ding dong, the doorbell rang loudly.

Gabimaru: Hmmm?

Gabimaru walks to the door to look out the peep hole. He sees the boy with the honafuda earrings from school yesterday. He decides to open the door.

Gabimaru: Yo.

Tanjiro: Hi there! Oh wait, I know you. I saw you at school the other day, right?

Gabimaru: Yeah.

Tanjiro: Sorry about what happened again. My name is Tanjiro Kamado.

Gabimaru: I'm Gabimaru. So what's up?

Tanjiro: Well, my family and I actually just moved in, and i wanted to say hi to our neighbors.

Gabimaru: Well, that's nice.

Tanjiro: Would you like to come over sometime as an apology for the other day.

Gabimaru: Sure, but no meed to apologize. It's ok.

Tanjiro: If you want to stop by tonight, we're making a huge dinner.

Gabimaru: I'll definitely think about it.

Tanjiro: Se typically have dinner at 6, so

SLAM! Gabimaru shuts the door before Tanjiro finishes.

Tanjiro:*from behind the door* ITS AT 6 SEE YOU THEN! *smiling* What a nice guy!

Gabimaru then sees his phone ring and notices Yui is trying to Facetime him.

Gabimaru:*otp* Hey babe! How's the trip going?

Yui:*otp* It's good. Aww, you look so cute with you pajamas on.

Gabimaru was wearing a black short sleeve shirt that fited his form and plad red pants.

Gabimar:*otp and flustered* Well, you're always cute.

Yui giggles and Sagiri buts in.

Sagiri:*otp* Gross.

Yui giggles and Gabimaru smiles.

Sagiri:*otp* So what happened with Itadori, i mean Yuji?

Yui:*otp* Oh, right! What did happen?

Gabimaru:*otp* How did you know?

Yui:*otp* Sagiri and mochi were talking earlier.

Gabimaru:*otp* Then im sure he told her, but long story short, some guy tried to mug him, and well, he stopped it.

Sagiri:*otp* That's what happened!?

Gabimaru:*otp* Did he not tell you? What did he say instead?

Sagiri:*otp* Just that he got a scar next to his mouth! I didn't know how he got it he just said it was an accident!!

Yui:*otp* You seem very concerned, SaGiRi.

Yui began teasing Sagiri. A few hours of conversing later.

Gabimaru:*otp* What time will you be here sunday?

Yui:*otp* Hmm, im not sure, but i'll call you when i land. For now, im going to sleep. we got another 19 hrs.

Gabimaru:*otp* Goodnight, my love!

Yui:*otp* Goodnight, my little man!

Gabimaru:*otp* Byyeee.

Sagiri:*otp* so rude, nothing for me!

Yui and Sagiri began to laugh, and the couple ended the call.

Gabimaru: What time is it? It's 5:30 already!? Wow, time flies when i see my angel.

Knock knock. Gabi groansand opens the door.

Gabimaru: Oh heu, kanjiro?

Tanjiro: Tanjiro! I just making sure you'll be coming to dinner tonight.

Gabimaru: Look, i would, but....

Gabimaru stared into the boys eyes and saw a calming sea, and he just couldn't turn him down as he was so pure purer than light itself.

Gabimari: Yes, I'll be there.

Tanjiro: Awesome!

Gabimaru allows Tanjiro into the house.
Gabi goes to get changed. Tanjiro looks around to see 2 gaming setups in the living room and pictures of 2 other guys.

Tanjiro: Do you live with your brothers?

Gabimaru walks out and changes into more casual clothing.

Gabimaru: No, there are good friends of mine. we decided to move out on our own.

Tanjiro: Oh wow! This place is nice! It must be expensive, huh?

Gabimaru: Well, we, i, hmmm? How do we afford this place? Like we even have
A bunch of other things, but none of us have a job.

Tanjiro: No need to dwell on it. Are you ready?

Gabimaru: Yeah.

Gabimari and Tanjiro left and ended up having a great time. Nezuko and Tanjiro explained how they were both in class two and how Nezuko won miss Japan in junior division. 2 years running. Gabimaru was somewhat glad he took Tanjiro's offer. A few hours after Gabi returns home and finds Denji on the couch with red eyes and a runny nose.

Gabimaru: Denji? Are you ok?

Denji: No, Makima said she isn't ready for a relationship just yet.

Gabimaru: What do you mean?

Denji explains everything that happened how he actually got home, like 5 minutes after Gabi left, and how she told him that, she found someone else and how he should move on.

Denji: And that's pretty much it.

Gabimaru: Im sorry, man.

Denji: It's fine. im just gonna process this info, but it doesn't mean I dont got a chance.

Gabimaru: That's one way to look at it.

The door opens, and gabimaru turns to see Yuji enter.

Gabimaru: Yuji?

Yuji: Yo.

Denji: What are you doing here?

Yuji: I live here.

Gabimaru: I thought you'd stay at your foster families house till the end of the weekend.

Yuji: Nah, just visiting.

Yuji goes to the frodge and grabs a water bottle and walks to the pair sitting in the living room. Yuji takes notice of Denji's face.

Yuji: What happened to you?

Denji: TL;DR Makima.

Yuji: Got it. So, what have you been up to today, Gabi?

Gabimaru: Not, much. How's the cut?

Yuji: Better.

Yuji, Gabimaru, and Denji all just sit on the couch and sigh unanimously. Yuji turns the tv on and flips through some chanels, Gabimari gets up to grab a gatorade and gets Denji a water. Yuji puts on a movie, and the trio relaxes and enjoys it.

Denji: God, I'm lonley.

Yuji and Gabimari: Yup.

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