The curses pt 1

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Time 7:50 AM, and the boys were heading to school.

Denji: Hey, so Yuji, you like Sagiri or something?

Yuji: She's cool. I haven't thought of her like that.

Gabimaru: They just met.

Denji: I dont know how relation ships work.

Gabimaru: Well, school's about to suck anyway. Yui is going on a trip with her father to the US.

Yuji: Sorry, man.

Gabimaru: It's cool.

Denji: After school, why don't we go eat out. It's been a while.

They boys have arrived at the school gates. Gabimaru suddenly gets shived on his left shoulder as a boy with rising sun earrings and a girl with a bamboo necklace run by.

Gabimaru: Well, that was rude.

Denji: Watch we're you're walking dick bag.

Tanjiro: Sorry about that. Come on, Nezuko.

Nezuko: Ok.

The pair run off. Denji couldn't help but see her, and suddenly.

Denji: She's cute. It was our fault for standing in their way.

Gabi and Yuji stare at Denji.

Gabimaru: Relax, man.

Yuji: You should've just gone with that weirdo from yesterday.

Denji: No, I like someone already.

Gabimaru: That Makima girl isn't into you, Denji.

Yuji: Wait, you know who she is?

Denji: Yes, she is! She even said I could go over to her place sometime.

Yuji: Oh wow.

The school day seemed to have flown by. Now it was lunchtime.

Yuji and Denji: Rock! PAPER! SCISSORS!!!

Yuji and Denji both threw Rock.

Denji: Dammit.

Yuji: That's eight in a row.

Denji: Bull shit!

Gabimaru: Yo.

Yuji: Oh hey.

Denji: Yo.

Gabimaru: Did you guys hear what happened last night?

Yuji: No, what happened?

Gabimaru: People in my class were talking about 'The Curses', apparently, they beat up a student here.

Denji: Who?

Gabimaru: Some Third year. Aki, something I don't know.

Yuji: Dang, is he alright?

Gabimaru: From what I heard, he's fine.

Denji: Well, I'd like to see one of those guys run up on me. I'd be like. Wcha cha whatattatata!

Denji pretends to be fighting a gang of people.

Gabimaru: Yeah, ok. Anyways, there's a rumor that a first year here is a Curse.

Yuji: Rumors, I'm not too worried.

Denji: Still we should be some-what careful.

Gabimaru: Y'know Yuji based on the rumors the Leader looks just like you.

Yuji: Like me?

Gabimaru: Yeah, they said he has pinkish hair with sides shaven just like yours.

Yuji: Wow!

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