chapter 1.

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Nobodies pov:
Cartman had been getting obsessed with Kyle however.  He ignores it a lot.
......*time skip*......

"Hey stop! Give me it!."
"What are you gonna do?, cry about it!?."
"I said give me my hat you bastard.!"
One of the school bully's usually took his hat hat to pick on  him . , however he never won the war. But he won the battle.
"you're a jew kid. , Jews are weak."
"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY ABOUT ME!?"  Is what he said before he kicked the bully in the knees. Making him kiss the floor instead.
The whole group was in shock .  Kenny and cartman were laughing so hard people were thinking they were insane.
Kyle was walking to the table he usually sat at and noticed all of them were looking at him.  Expect cartman who was still laughing because of nothing.
"It's not that funny cartman ."
"ITS SO FUNNY!." He said still laughing as Kyle put his tray on the table.
"shut up."
"Your laughing like a maniac! Shut ur mouth for once."
"Do you have sand in your vagina?."
"AHAH so you do have a vagina kahl!."
"don't deny it Kahl you do have a vagina."  Kyle ignored him because it became annoying to him. I mean who wouldn't get bored of the phrase?.
"Hey kahl."
"Deafass  can't hear me speak."
"take a chill pill I meant no ill will!."
"hmfp." Kyle said before taking a bite out of his food.
Kyle was pissed off today.  The bullying made him crazy!. I mean who wouldn't in his shoes?

Cartmans pov:
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Kahl beat up that bastard!.
That jew is pretty cool, I which I could be with him for - wait no! That's gay dude. But his hair is so- no no no think straight for once!.

"Hey kahl kahl kahl kahl kahl kahl kahl kahl"
"It's KYLE not KAHL."
"GODDAMMY NAMES SIMPLE FATTASS!." He said , it sort of hurt me . But not as much to cry .
"DONT CALL ME ERIC YOU #$% #&  €÷£:$!,"
"%^$# YOU!."
"Good movie." Kenny said while eating popcorn like a little b#$%/*.
"This isn't a movie Kenny." Stan said

Nobodies pov:

*ring ring* the bell rang making most of the people head out of the cafeteria and into there classes , however eric did not he was sick of class and did not care whether or not it was important. 
He looked for any windows to sneak out of but none were there.
"God , I need to leave this place ." He mumbled
But how?, he thought wondering if anything was possible.  However before he could make a plan, he heard  footsteps.
"Hey cartman aren't u going to go to class?." The ginger boy said.
"Shhhhhh Kyle shhhhhhhh."
"Wait a second Kyle? Don't u mean kahl?." He said lowering his voice so nobody could hear him.
"Shhhhhh go away." Cartman whispered to Kyle.
"I'm not , I'm staying here too." He said while sitting next to him.
"But people will notice were not there..... "
"They will notice you first you're in the front seat idiot......."
"Shut up jew...".
they both were talking calmly,  surprisingly for the next 2 hours nobody noticed them, nor did they notice the time was running quickly than it used too.
"Hey jew ."
"It's kyle. Idiot."
"I hate you ."
"I hate you too kahl."
Kyle ran  off wondering what time it was, as there was no clock to show him.
"3 pm!?"
"There's a hour till the end of the day!,"
Kyle was shocked as many hours have past , he knew he wasn't the only one who didn't know as cartman never has a watch on him, why would he even ?.
"Hey Eric!."
"What jew."
"There's a hour till school ends."
"What you're not shocked?."
"Atleast have a decent response for once."
"What was that?."
"No I hear keys."
They both ran to hide thinking it was a teacher the sound was loud so ofcourse it was near  , they sat under the desks as it was the quickest option for both of them.
*key sounds idk*
"Dam . How angry are they?."
"Wait!? Did they just lock the door?."
"Probably kahl."
"You realise if it's locked we are stuck here till tomorrow!?!."
"IF IF IF!."
"I'm going to see if it's locked."
Kyle walked up to the door checking if it's locked. It was locked leaving both of them stuck there.
"It's locked ."
"See what you did kahl?."
"My mother will notice me gone , unlike your -."
"Can you atleast bring your fat body so we can break the door?."
"just break it."
"Apologise kahl."
"Fine I'm sorry eric." 
Cartman walked up to the door.
"Ready eric?."
"I'm ready!."
Before a warning Kyle pushed cartman so the door would break, however it only left a tiny  scratch.
"Kahl your weak."
Kyle filled with anger, pushed cartman so hard it made him have trouble breathing. The door had been broken.
"Ugh uh ujhhh ."
"Thanks eric."
Cartman fell to the ground immediately.
"Eric you okay!?."
Was the last thing he heard before passing out.
Kyle was shocked and he couldn't leave his classmate on the floor like this, he started dragging cartman ,due to his heavy weight he couldn't pick eric up.
"Ugh why can't eric lose a few pounds?."
He said while dragging Kyle to his house.
Kyle Heard footsteps.
"Hey Kyle why are you dragging eric?."
"Hey Stan!, eric passed out so I'm dragging him to his house."
"Aw dam that's bad ." Stan walked away and entered his house after that
"Why didn't he help me?." Said kyle while dragging cartman to his house.
"God lose some weight cartman-."
He finally arrived at his house.
"Were here. I guess."
He said trig to pick eric up because the floor is dirty.
"Ow my shoulder." 
Complaining all over about his shoulder.
*knock knock*
*knock knock*

"The doors open?. Why would it be open?."
While Kyle was entering,  a horrible stench filled the entire area.
"God! It smells like fish  eggs over here.!"
"I guess I'll have to go upstairs.."
The stairs creeked so much it felt like it was a horror movie.
"God how weak are these stairs?."
He finally reached cartmans room . Entered it and put him in his bed.
"I could've just left him on the couch , but ehh ."
"But.... wheres his mom?."

                                        [Chapter 1 ended 1126 words used]

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