chapter 2.

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"Where's his mom?." He said while leaving Eric's room . He noticed his mother's room was open .

Kyle's pov.:

Eric been acting pretty wierd lately , not going to class , stopped screaming at  the group ,  he only talks to people if they start the conversation.  I mean some changes were better than others but what is going on ?. and why does his house smell so bad?. ....  why should I care? He's my enemy .
"God his mother's room smells awful." Is what i said before i entered the room
"Are those dead rats!? ." That's were the smell was coming from!.
"Ugh the smell is awful!."
I closed the door.
Does he live like this?, no his mom wouldn't do that. , speaking of her where IS she?.
"Eric you awake?."
"He is in another universe. Called sleep."
"I need to go home ig."
I walked downstairs and looked at the clock .,turns out only 1 hour had passed. Wierd as I never noticed the time while walking ,.
"God this place smells like trash."
"What the hell was that!?
"Is cartman awake?."
I said while running back upstairs to check if he was awake, he is more a sleep talker and responds to things happening but never remembers them.
"Hey Eric you awake?."
"Yeah mom."
"I'm Kyle."
"Were is maeeemmmm...."
"Zhe never was here , the only thing I found was a couple dead rats in her  room."
"She isn't here."
"Your 'maem' isn't here"
"Idk haven't see her. Anyways I'm gonna go to my hou-."
"Mmmmh ." He said while pulling on my shirt .
"I'll try to get away safely.... safely..... Ow!."
"There's nails! Why didn't Eric tell me this? I mean he did pull on my shirt ."
"Mmmmmmh." Pulling harder.
"That's wierd I never seen him do that. "
I was wierded out but decided to stay at his house, I mean he wouldn't even know to be honest, I'll leave before he wakes up. I guess...
Did he just go back to sleep? How tired is that fatass ?. I thought while walking out of the room. I wanted to get out of the house so I did , it took me 10 minutes to get out . However before I got outside I needed to check the weather.
It was raining. Its good I was wearing my hat but I didn't want it to be wet . Or else I couldn't wear it for the next day.
It was a tricky choice however my parents were going on a vacation with my little brother .
They would come back the next day. But that's just it.
.  They left me behind and told me , I will go on a vacation with them after the school year ends. A bit sad but hey who am I to argue with my parents? I mean. It's pretty childish to  do that.
I didn't even have the keys. There probably stolen by now , because the key was right under the rug , who wouldn't look under a rug?
I guess the people who  don't do stereotypes. I mean the rug thing is so popular even though it was barely used in real life.
I kept trying to choose ,my brain kept telling me to stay . I guess because of the rain?.
"Ugh.. when will it stop raining?." I said In a bad tone.  Which definitely  made me unprepared for the big bangs on the floor.

Narrators pov:

While Kyle was looking at the rain he heard big bangs which resembled footsteps , however Kyle never noticed that.
He heard.
"Hey Eric."
"Kahl !? Did you steal my mom!?" He said while pointing at *kahl*
"No you fatass!.  "
"Then where is she!?"
"that's suspicious kahl. You definitely stole her."
"IF anything I only found dead rats in HER room okay?."
"Hmm...  thats suspicious. "
"Is it THAT wrong for me to be here while your mom isn't?."
"Yes kahl."
"How? Like how !?"
"You are jew.  Jews are sneaky and pigs, and maether is stopping you from that."
"How is your mother stopping me."
"You wanna have sex with her , right?"
"Shhhh kahl it's night.  But you do wanna have sex with her."
"Oh cmon!. Just because your mom's hot doesn't mean every guy wanna have sex her!."
"Your lying kahl!."

Cartman pov:
That Jews definitely lying! He has that smirk on his face... he definitely stole her as a prank!. I need to get back at him!.
"Get out jew or I'll call the cops!."
"Okay ! Okay!."
"Mhm get out."  Now he won't lie anymore! Wait... wheres my maem!?. Who would feed Me!?  That man! He probably stole her. Not kahl the other dude. Hmmm I need to investigate on this further!.
Okay.. so  . Kahl can't steal my maem without a group of 7 people. And the only person who would help is Kenny and... most people. Hmm... he is still my top suspect!. That mom stealing theif!.  But... its getting late. I'm going to sleep before that.  I can't lose my beauty sleep . However that still won't change the fact he is a theif!.
(.Time skip to 9 am.)
Kyle's pov:
*sigh*  it's a good morning.  I slept good enough . I guess. , is what i thought while doing my morning routine.
The only thing I had left. Is  to fuck eri- wha the!?. I mean... have breakfast!. Pancakes are my favourite.  I hope its pancakes  but due to the smell I'm pretty sure it's a meal with vegetables?
I don't know. There just a bad smell.  So I'm pretty sure it's cooked veggies to be honest.
"Hey sweetie!."
"What's for breakfast ma.?."
"Breakfast is pancakes with a side of fruits." 
Yes!  I guessed it right !  Im so good at guessing.
"Mom ! Did you read my mind!?."
"No Kyle."
Did I heat that correctly?  Did mom say kahl or Kyle? .  I don't know... I think she said Kyle.   There's no way she says kahl like .... Eric.
Eric cartman..... wow..
"The food looks great mom!."
It does look great.  I wanna eat it all. Like how I wanna eat cartma-  crab legs!.haha.?
I ate the entire thing! It was delicious.  I grabbed my bag and ran outside and to the bus stop.
Cartmans POV:

I was at the bus stop expecting Kenny and Stan to be there. But no I was alone for 20 minutes.  Until kahl was there.  He looked normal... but less loud.
"Hey jew."
"Hey fatass."
"I'm not a fatass."
"Then don't call me a jew."
"Whatever jew."
He's not as easy to annoy it's less easy to annoy him that way. What would even do if I annoyed him.
"I'm cold."
"You shouldn't wear a t-shirt and the winter jew."
He really shouldn't wear that . It's winter! Who had them right,mind to wear a t-shirt?, apparently this jew.
He so stupid!.

Narrators POV:
Kyle looked at cartman and smiled while shuffling over to cartman.  Due to cartman thinking about something he didn't notice.
However in the middle of erics thinking session that lasted a long time, Kyle grabbed eric by the waist and got super close to him.
"Uh kahl?."
"Letcgo of me!."
"Get off kahl. "
"No. Now shut up."
This was very off behaviour of Kyle. Most of the time they would fight. But now..  you can sense its different. I mean. Who wouldn't?. But that was when kenny arrived.
"(WOAH what's going on? Did somebody get dared?)"
"(Cmonnn tell me Kyle.)"
"Nothing is going on really!."
"(Eric! What's going on?)"
"Idk Kenny ask Kyle."
"Shut up fatass."
"Shut up jew."
"(Where's Stan?)"
"I think he's sick. I haven't seen him today."
"Shut up fatass."
"YOU Shut up jew."
"Fuck you."
"Fuck you too."
"(If u guys hate each other that much why they hugging?.)"

{Cartmans pov}
What is Kyle Trying to do !?  Is he trying to cover up the maem stealing!?. There's no way that jew can just do that!.

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Creator note:
Hi guys! I might write 2 more kyman stories that are similar! .  I might make it while this one is being completed or after! Either way . It will take a month or so.
However I do need  story recommendations .  Popular ships .  Any kind of ships and I might make it!. But still  I think I might stick to kyman for now.
Because kyman is the ship I know the most.  But i would still like other ships please!.
It takes awhile for me to pick because im indescive.  In  my  messages I will tell you guys stories updates and  why I'm doing certain things. Anyways still good!.

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