The Sun Catching Lake

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Sitting here
On my shore
beside a lake made of fire
I silently cry
Silently I die
On their shore they laugh and sing
Of what life should be like
They see me
But they don't see into me
They don't see the pain I hide
The withering soul
Beneath my lake of tears
They don't know
That clouds as black as night
Gather in my chest
They taunt me
They tease me
With their hallow blight
If I burst
Just know I tried
To contain what rages inside
If I cover the sun
And away goes the fire in the lake
Just know
It will return again
When the last shard of my soul shatters into oblivion
When the last memory of me fades away
The sun will shine brighter than before
And songs will be sung louder than ever
The lake will catch again
And light your way to the dance floor
Where you shall live
Happily ever
After all

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