A friendship on a Crumpled Paper

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I'm sorry,

I'm sorry I stopped talking to you
I am sorry

I am never there
I am sorry

that when I am there
I am not fully present

It is my fault
and I need to stop making excuses

You deserve a better friend
Someone who can connect easily
and stop making every minute gloomy

You deserve someone
who does not make everything
about them
Someone who can focus
on the present moment

You deserve kindness
And behind your back
Not awful words

You have done so much for me
And I am so glad we came together
you locked me in when I was at my worst
when I needed you most
And now you are both doing your best
You are living your best lives

You have moved on
You have found pastures that are greener
You do not need me anymore

And so it is time for my move on
It is time to let go
Have a good life

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