Oh! Drowning girl!

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Oh! Drowning girl!
You beg for help that will never come

You toss and you tangle
below the restless waves
As if using all your oxygen and energy
Will somehow save you

You are already too far gone
And already direction is failing you

The weight at your ankles
never would have been a problem
had you not let it be one

You are
The one who lets it sink you

Oh! Drowning girl!
That weight is a phantom!
A mirage!
A mirror image to the true weight
That which is your own mind!

You are letting it sink you
by refusing to release the ghost!

Nobody but you that is who

Who put you in the boat
Who attached a false idea to your ankles
Who dove into a stormy sea
And punched holes in your boat
It is you who kept swimming
until the pressure around you grabbed a hold and would not let go!

Now you scream and you beg?

For mercy!
To an empty sky and
Sand where stars should be

You plead to the invisible moon
But she ignores you!

Because why should she help someone
Who can not help them self?

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