Chapter One

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Gage walked into the tack room, carrying Prancer's saddle. Their arm was bruised after attempting to take on the orange jump. They placed the saddle on the saddle rack in their locker and suddenly someone ran over.

Carbs jumped onto Gage, nearly knocking them down. They shook the demon's antlers half-off.

"CARBS. What the hell!" Gage said while pushing her hands off of their shoulders. "You're gonna give me a headache."

"Gage. You need to do me a teensy itty bitty favor." Carbs smiled and stared directly into Gage's eyes. "You need to leave all your horses and responsibilities behind and come to America with me!"

"Huh- why would I-"

"Because I may or may not have told my parents that I'm dating someone and they wanna meet that person so I have to bring someone with me and we've kissed so we'll be the most believable couple." Carbs rambled.

"Well I don't know if I can, Stricker has the vets next week." Gage stepped back, a little embarrassed about Carbs bringing up the kiss.

"Pleeeaaasee, please please please Gagey please!!!!" Carbs pleaded while getting on her knees and grabbing Gage's hands. "I'll pay for all the expenses it'll be a free vacation and I'll pay for Tien to take care of both mine and your barn."

"I suppose I would fancy a vacation." Gage replied, picking Carbs up off the ground. "Just stop begging like that, someone might think I'm Jesus."

Carbs giggled. "Well I do worship ya! Anyway, I'm gonna get the tickets online." She searched up prices on trip advisor. "All set, see you for the flight tomorrow!" Carbs skipped away to pack.

"What- tomorrow? CARBS!"

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