Chapter Three

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After sushi, they all went back to Carbs' childhood home. As they drove up, Gage's jaw dropped. The house was magnormous! 69 bedrooms! 2 bathrooms! And 800,374 squares feet!

A rich looking woman came out of the house and bowed down to Frank. She smiled and PDA'd him. Then she turned to the car.

"Carbohydrates, you're home darling! You and your partner can go and get settled in your old room." Joyce smiled at Gage, who smiled back.

"Right... my childhood... room." Carbs said nervously, staring at Gage. "Uhm maybe I should clean up in there first!"

"Don't be silly, Carbs. The maids clean your room everyday."

"Uh- yeah sure, come on Gage let's go!" Carbs muttered as she walked frightfully towards her room.

They sat down on Carbs' queen sized bed in her room. Carbs looked awkward and Gage noticed something out of the corner of their eye.

"What is this, Carbs?" Gage said laughing. "Awe. 'Mrs. Carbs Witherwilt?!' Isn't that cute."  Gage laughed more as Carbs snatched the paper from Gage.

"That's- private. Quit snoop-"

"Is this a drawing of us holding hands? No offense but you're not so grea- OH MY GOD THIS ONES INTERESTING. Fries has been decapitated by a headknife and we're uh- kissing. Why?"

Carbs grabbed the paper and ripped it up. "These are from my first visit after moving to New Zealand, I'm a different person now. Now let's kiss next to Fries' dead body!" Carbs joked.

Gage was a little flabbergasted, so they just sat down on the bed and checked their phone. '84 new notifications' they read. They were from Cassie. She was asking why Gage wasn't at practice.

"I'm on vacation this week, see you next week Cassie." Gage responded.

There was a knock at the door and one of the maids spoke up.

"Your presence is requested in the parlor, Madam Carbohydrates and her guest."

"Welp guess we gotta go to the living room! Parlor is just rich people slang for that. Hope my family's wealth isn't too scary." Carbs hopped off the bed and Gage followed. "Let's go before dad's too mad."

"Alright, then we can have tea?"




They both laughed and headed to where Joyce and Frank were.

"Alright sweetheart, since you already had supper you can go ahead and go to bed soon, I'm sure the flight was exhausting." Joyce said.

"And once you've gone to your chambers, no leaving unless it's for the restroom. You know this, make sure your boy-toy knows too."

"They're not a boy. And I only toy with them sometimes." Carbs said passive aggressively.

"Sure kid, now go to your bedroom before I headknife you!" Frank joked.

"Yes father.... let's go Gage."

They headed back to the bedroom where Carbs slammed the door and sat down on the floor.

"I knew this was a bad idea. He's gonna be like that the entire vacation and it's gonna ruin your entire mood. I should've brought someone else but I just assumed you'd be the obvious choice." Carbs said, ashamed.

"Well why the hell did you tell them we were dating?" Gage whisper yelled.

"I DIDN'T! They asked me how things were going and I said I had a date at the steakhouse and they misjudged everything. They think I should already be married, that 21 is way too old to not be. They got married at 18. My brother is already engaged. They're so excited for me dating someone and I just wanted them to be proud." Carbs said tearfully.

"I'm sorry Carbs, they shouldn't be putting that pressure on you." Gage sat down next to her.

"Yeah I am too."

They both got up to change into their pajamas, and they climbed into bed. Gage passed out from jetlag, and Carbs watched them sleep for a few hours, before dozing off herself.

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