Chapter 12

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At some point, perhaps on minutes later, she awoke, still carried over Zurden's shoulder, and still drunk as ever. She grumbled, elbowing him in the neck.

"Ow!" he hissed, "knock it off."

"Zuri.... put me down," she complained.

"No, you're going to hurt yourself," he said, taking an odd step, his own drunkenness clearly also at play.

She wriggled in his grasp, another elbow to his throat. He growled in pain, and let go, only for a split second, but enough for her to fall face first into the pavement. She could feel the dirt and soot caked into her face.

The pain was nothing, her royal blood made it heal almost instantly. For some reason, it became the funniest thing in the world, and she began to laugh uncontrollably. Her sides ached but she wouldn't let up, not until nausea took hold, and heaved her guts out on the side of the road.

Groaning, she stood. Some of the cloudiness in her mind gone as she struggled to keep upright.

"Gods damn it kid!" Kano slurred, "good thing we're done drinking."

The rest of the idiots followed behind, magically appearing in the street. It was magic, had to be. Not a chance that they had snuck up on her.

Armos fell into the road too, and similarly emptied his stomach, and kept giggling afterwards. He fell into her side, and it almost sent her into the dirt, but she just chuckled.

"The sky is spinning," he mumbled.

"Is it?" she laughed.

"Yes... But at least we're rich now," he smirked.

"We? It's my money," she playfully hissed, "not to mention its only the beginning of my wealth."

He gave a small cheer, clearly thinking he was louder than he actually was. Zurden suddenly pulled her up the arm, his tanned face still rosy.

"Drink," he said, shoving a flask of water into her grip. Qaris stood behind him, along with Kev.

"I am taking Kevdron to the inn, have fun," Qaris smiled. It took her a few moments to process what he said.

"Wait, where are we going? I thought we were done drinking?" Zara huffed, as fun as this was, she was quite done, especially now that she felt barely more than a buzz. Damned royal metabolism.

Zurden took her arm and started pulling her through the streets, "we are done drinking."

"Then why are we not going to the inn?" she grumbled.

"Because we going to have even more fun," he said as they rounded a corner.

"Specifics Zuri."

"It is a surprise," he grinned.

"I don't like surprises," she hissed.

The surprise turned out to be an elaborate red brick building covered in ivy. By the looks of it, whatever it was, was quite popular. Man after man filed in and out. It was odd, no windows, and only one door. She could only wonder what it was.

"Behold!" Zurden beamed, gesturing to the odd establishment.

Her brows furrowed, "what is this?"

Armos scoffed, "its a whore house."

Her eyes widened, "what?"

"It's a whore house," Kano repeated, saying each word obnoxiously slowly. The pieces began coming together in her cloudy mind, now it was obvious why they made Kev leave.

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