t4t bowser x luigi (both ftm)

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Bowser sits in his throne sulking... Magikoopa notices and tries to cheer him up. He walks up the staircase to get to his leader.

"Are you alright your majesty?"

With a sigh, Bowser replies with a big huff as if he was pouting over something, he replies "no I'm fine."

In a worried tone, yet not knowing what to say, "I mean I know you didn't get the princess but-" Bowser stops him with a growling yell. "THAT'S NOT WHAT THIS IS ABOUT!" even though it mostly was, and just didn't want to admit defeat. "She was the love of my life, but I see that she's much happier with that Mario douche, so I guess I'll live with it for now. But I'll be the one who steals her first kiss! HAHAHA!" The king koopa (Bowser) exclaims.

"Um sire, I don't think that's how that works-" The mage says before getting interrupted yet again by the big muscular leader. "Choose your words carefully and leave me alone. You're irritating the hell out of me." Bowser says in a growling tone. "Yes your Highness, I do truly apologize." The mage says before walking down the steps and leaving the room. The king sighs.

In another room; Luigi is sitting on a bench with cuffs on waiting to be freed yet again, but this time he has more freedom than in a cage like before. Luigi sees the magikoopa leave browser's throne room, looking a bit emotionally hurt. "What's wrong koopa?" Luigi asks the mage. The mage sighs and sits down next to Luigi. "I just don't know what's going on in the King's big head sometimes... I was just trying to comfort him but he seemed to take offense to my words somehow." The small koopa shrugs and shakes his head. "I feel like I'm not the right person to be comforting him right now..." The mage continues.

"Oh well, I don't know him very well, but I'm sure he just needs a little bit of time or something." Luigi says to the enemy mage sympathetically. At this point, the mage and Luigi aren't really enemies like they were before. They aren't exactly friends either, but most likely the best of "friends" than what Luigi could make from anyone else there.

"Hmmm.. Maybe you're right. I've just never seen him like this before. It's so strange, and honestly, it's got me worried about him... Oh! I know, YOU can go talk to him and see if you can get through to him!" The mage says enthusiastically. "Oh no no no, I don't really think I'm able to comfort that big guy, I mean I'm in chains for a reason and- HEY put me down!!" Luigi exclaims as the mage picks him up with his magic and walks over to the throne room where king Bowser is residing in.

"Sorry Luigi, but if you don't do something about this, I'm afraid he'll do something reckless that will hurt his pride even more." The mage says before practically throwing Luigi into the room as he lands on his ass. "Mama Mia..." He says before attempting to get up, but before he can, he hears heavy footsteps from close behind him as a huge shadow surrounds him and the floor in front of him. He slowly turns his head around to look at who he already knows is the king, his mouth opened slightly in fear since he technically trespassed. Only to get a mouthful of a big wet T dick in his mouth. Bowser grabbed onto Luigi's hair and started to control his head to however the muscley man pleased. Bobbing it on and down. Luigi looks up through the red curly pubic hair to see Bowser huffing and puffing, enjoying the mouth and tongue of the plummer. Luigi starts feeling lustful himself.

Bowser takes Luigi's head away from his T dick and uses his sharp index claw to undress the smaller male in one stroke. The big muscley king is surprised that the other man is also not cisgender. "Now this is interesting" The intimidating king says with a growl and a smirk on his face. Luigi suddenly starts feeling embarrassed but that quickly changes once Bowser picks Luigi up by his waist and flips him upside down so Bowser is right in front of Luigi's sweet T dick and boy pussy. He licks his parts all over and sticks his long tongue in his pussy and Luigi moans loudly and then proceeds to cover his mouth, trying not to let the large man know how turned on he is. Clearly the big strong king saw right through this.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2023 ⏰

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