Big, Red Eyed Demon Bats

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Steve honked his horn several times and waited. After a minute, Eddie came bounding out of his house and hopped into the passenger seat of Steve's car. As Steve backed out of the driveway, Eddie reached into his pocket, pulled something out, and shoved it into the glove compartment before turning to Steve with a big, lopsided grin. Steve smiled back and shook his head. He knew exactly what Eddie had stashed in there. He'd seen Wayne and Eddie smoking in the back yard before dinner, so he was sure Eddie had talked him out of a couple of joints for them to smoke later. It wasn't uncommon.

"Say yes, Stevie-poo." Steve didn't even glance at Eddie. If he was calling him Stevie-poo, he wanted something he knew Steve would say no to, which meant he'd be using his puppy dog eyes and Steve was not going to look over and fall for it and end up in a situation he didn't want to be in.

"No, Eddie."

"I just want to listen to Metallica." He held up a cassette tape.


"Steeeeeeeeeeeve!" Eddie flopped across the seat and put his head on Steve's thigh, gazing up at him pleadingly. "Please! I need to hear some Metallica!"

"Don't you hear enough Metallica," Steve asked with a laugh. "And please sit up and put on your seat belt."

"Not until you agree to listen to Metallica." Steve just shook his head so Eddie started tickling him. Steve squealed and tried to fight Eddie off without losing control of the car.

"Stop! I will turn around and take you back home right now, young man!" Steve swerved into the next lane, but thankfully there was no oncoming traffic. "God damn it, Eddie! Fucking stop it now!" Eddie stopped when Steve used his angry dad voice. "Sit up. Put your seat belt on." Eddie did as Steve told him, pouting a little. Steve stole a glance at him and saw that and his heart melted. "Put in the tape." Eddie's pout turned into a victorious grin. "Not too loud."

"I won't play it loud," Eddie said sheepishly. He knew Steve letting him play Metallica in his car was a major victory. He'd never allowed it before. Not even once. He allowed some Ozzy and Dio on occasion, but never Metallica. "I need to hear Master of Puppets," Eddie told him as he rolled the window down and lit a cigarette. "My tattoo is going to be demon bats and I want to get into the mood." Steve just nodded as he reached for the volume knob and turned the music down a little more. "I'm sorry for tickling you."

"You're lucky you're so cute and my best friend," Steve told him. "You're forgiven." He stole a glance at the glove compartment. "How much did Wayne give you?"

"I didn't count them because my dad came home, but it looked like four or five," Eddie said. "What did you tell your parents?"

"I just said you and I were going to Indianapolis," he said. "They didn't ask any questions. What'd you tell yours?"

"I said we were going to a concert," Eddie answered. "Mom and dad didn't ask. I told Wayne we were going to see Sonic Youth." Steve burst into laughter as Eddie flicked his cigarette out the window then rolled it back up. "Yeah, he didn't seem like he believed me either. But I told him it was your payback for when I took you to King Diamond."

"I'm still trying to think up payback for that one." Steve rolled his eyes. "I'd rather listen to Metallica." Eddie reached for the volume knob and Steve slapped his hand away. "Quiet Metallica."

For the rest of the drive they talked about school and plans for the summer. They'd be seniors next year and they wanted this to be the best summer ever. They also talked about college. Eddie wasn't exactly looking forward to college but he had to go, his parents expected it. He'd made a deal with them years ago. He was free to play as many shows with Corroded Coffin as he wanted, even on school nights, as long as he graduated high school and went to college. And he could study whatever he wanted and they'd pay for it as long as he got some kind of degree. His father told him it was a safety net, something for him to fall back on if a music career didn't work out, or if he ever changed his mind.

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