The countdown

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Tom read the letter Kreacher gave him, and he was ANGRY! He knew this wouldn't end until HE had EVERYONE in his little group. Tom was planning something. Draco is probably influenced with the imperious curse. Theo probably the same by now... He knew they had to defeat Voldemort otherwise the magical world would be dead. Luna had more and more visions. So it would be a matter of time before the war breaks out. Tom knew that with Dumbledore being death, Harry is only safe in Hogwarts but something is going on with that Umbridge. So who is to trust who isn't? Who is friend who is foe? Tom wrote everything down in his diary. With a lot of information of the dark side of Magic. Such as Horcruxes, amd some curses and potions. Also some heavy counter curses and which potion to make and how and for what. Because he knew someone had to search for them. But he wasn't the one he knew that, because he knows everyone by heart. Including how to hurt them, their weak points. So if he was caught everyone was doomed... He could only warn Mattheo. And he prayed that Mattheo wouldn't be stupid enough to search it himself, cause he would be caught in 3 days. Harry, Hermione and Ron could do it. Luna would be to vulnerable and will be needed in Hogwarts. Blaise and Pansy aren't needed in that dangerous mission. And if they help the trio they're dead! Mattheo should be here, so if something goes wrong he would be safe at least. Get their hiding spot ready for everyone if needed. And Emily... can't stay at school... it will be too dangerous... staying with them ia also the safest option. The twins could stay in their shop with the right charms and spells. And they could stay with them. 
Tom was planning everything and writing everything down in the letter. Also he told Mattheo to destroy, burn the letter after he read it.
Tom gave the letter to Kreacher.
While he hoped he was wrong his gut told him otherwise and that's what worried him the most.

He recieved a letter and Luna agreed on his planning, she 'saw' it happening too.
Now he was pissed off even more. Cause if Luna saw it there is a little chance that the plan can be changed...
He read the letter one more time.

Dear Tom.

I'm sorry to say this... But your plan is correct. I saw it. I write this letter to warn you tho... I had a vision not so long ago...
This is in short what i saw...

Fire and rubble...
Flashing lights, like curses and spells thrown around...
Also a child and a tombstone. The child pointed towards the said tombstone and said uncle. So one of the Weasley brother will die.. Not George cause i saw him... So i don't know who exactly...
Then just a few minutes i saw Hermione and Ron and Harry and someone else... But i can't say who, together in a forest with a locket... I hope that the other person will not go, because something bad will happen. I heard screaming and yelling. That person's fate is not set yet, let's hope they will not go but i'm afraid it's Emily...
Stay safe and be careful. It's getting clearer and clearer the same vision by night. So the clearer the Closer it comes.
I must go now, if you read this do not tell anyone.

Lots of hugs

Tom hated the unknown. He feared this situation. And Tom almost never feared something...
He got more and more worried, and colder. He hoped he could prepare everything for everyone in time.
So everyone can prepare themselves for this. He knew the teachers will do everything they can, but with that Umbridge she wants to boycot everything. She is from the M.O.M. In times like this it's dangerous to have her around you. He felt powerless and he didn't want anyone else feel like that. So while the clock ticked the hours away, he did some research, read more and wrote things down, and repeat. He almost didn't sleep anymore. He wrote more dairies. For Healing purposes-Curses- defending and one with everything in it for the trio. He hoped that with those dairies they could form groups since magic works differently for everyone they could work together. If people were better at defending they could have that book and same works for Curses and Healing. He wanted to safe as many people as he could.

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