Head, Til You Get Enough (Head-Prince)

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Eddie glanced at the tour schedule Vic handed him before leaving him alone in his dressing room. It was mostly one night off, one night on, just the way Eddie liked it. His voice needed to rest between shows. But there were a few back-to-backs scattered throughout the ten week tour, which also afforded him a few back-to-back days off here and there as well. May the first, Friday night in Indianapolis had been the perfect start to a tour that the whole band was looking forward to. They'd cross over to the east coast, down into Florida, through the south and southwest to California, then up the west coast as far as Vancouver. Then they'd head back through the Midwest, doing three shows in a row to close out the tour, with the final show being back in Indianapolis on July the eleventh. Then they'd take a six week break before heading out on another leg, crisscrossing the country again, playing the cities they missed on the first leg.

Eddie propped his feet on the coffee table and closed his eyes. He had another forty-five minutes before tonight's show in Cincinnati. He liked playing here. The crowds were always wild. And there was a girl here he really liked hooking up with. She had been at every Corroded Coffin show in Cincinnati over the last four years, and every time she made it perfectly clear that Eddie could do whatever he wanted with her. And he did. It didn't matter who was around. Hell, she seemed to get off on riding Eddie in front of the rest of the band. Eddie's rule about not getting to know a groupie's name led him, Jeff, Gareth, and Grant to nickname the regulars they got to know. Eddie's little Miss Innocent had been nicknamed Slick because she was always wet and ready to go. Slick liked it hard and rough and Eddie liked her. She reminded him of Chrissy Cunningham with her wide, innocuous eyes and bright, infectious smile. That innocent face was misleading though, because there was nothing innocent about her.

Eddie frowned. He hated thinking about Chrissy, how she'd died that spring, the same day he met her no less. It was a memory he tried to forget because it had been the catalyst for the turmoil that had given him the raging case of anxiety that he battled almost daily now. But then he smiled. The guy from two nights ago in Indianapolis had said he went to school with him. He wondered if he knew Chrissy. Then he wondered again who the hell he was. The face was so familiar, though he honestly didn't remember anyone being that damned hot in high school. But, he'd never really thought about guys like that before. And he was sure this guy wasn't that hot six years ago. Eddie knew he himself hadn't even looked as good back then as he did now. He'd matured, worked out, gotten older. He was definitely better looking than he had been in school. And maybe that guy was too. It would make sense.

Eddie opened his eyes as someone knocked on his dressing room door. He thought about ignoring it, but it came again, more insistently this time. Eddie sat up and ran his hands through his hair then called for whoever it was to come in. The door opened and Jeff came in with an excited air about him. He grinned at Eddie.

"Come next door, man," Jeff said. "You have got to see this."

"What is it?"

"Gareth and Grant are tag teaming a set of twins," Jeff laughed.

"No." Eddie shook his head. "I really don't want to see that."

"Slick's here." That piqued Eddie's interest. "She's asked for you a couple of times already."

"And what exactly are you doing just watching?"

"Oh shit, man," Jeff laughed. "I already got laid. You're behind." He opened the door. "Come on."

Eddie stood up and followed Jeff across the hall into the band's dressing room and sure enough, Gareth and Grant had their pants around their ankles with a set of twins between them. He didn't look close enough to see who had what in which whatever. But he did see that the twins were cute at least. He was glad to see that. Gareth was notorious for picking the ugliest girls he could find and the rest of the band always gave him shit for it. Eddie's eyes moved over the room until they fell on Slick. She was talking to Gareth's drum tech and didn't notice Eddie, so he sidled up behind her and cupped her ass in his hands as he dipped his head and whispered in her ear.

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