Way Down Inside, Honey, You Need Me (Whole Lotta Love-Led Zeppelin)

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After the interview, Eddie laid down in his dressing room to rest for a while with Steve right beside him. Madison Square Garden was a huge show and he wanted to prepare himself mentally for it. After a nap and then a joint, Eddie asked Steve to locate his valium. He was feeling a little anxious and wanted to head off anything before it started. He took one then sat in Steve's arms for a few minutes before getting up to get dressed for the show. Steve couldn't help but smile and lick his lips when Eddie started undressing in front of him. He got into his leather pants and Steve laced and tied them for him, then they went to join the rest of the band in their dressing room to hang out and have a little fun before the show.

Eddie kept Steve right by his side the whole time. And when women approached him, Eddie gave him a wink and politely turned them down. He made excuses about being tired, or waiting until after the show, anything he could think of to say to discourage them. They were disappointed, but they backed off and Steve breathed a sigh of relief.

Eventually, Randy and Vic came in and escorted the band to the stage. Steve was given a spot at the side of the stage where he could watch the show without having to be out in the crowd. Steve looked out at the throngs of people and was grateful he wasn't out there. He had a much better view from where he was. When the show was over and the band left the stage, Eddie pulled Steve aside.

"We're going to go back out for an encore or two," he said. "Go out to the bus and wait for me." Steve started to protest but Eddie stopped him with a very quick kiss that no one else saw. "Baby, the band will party backstage for a couple of hours before they get on the bus. So, meet me there, okay?" Steve nodded and Eddie kissed him again, a little longer this time, but they were standing in shadows so he knew it would go unnoticed. "I've got to get back out there."

Steve watched the first song of their encore then did as Eddie asked and went out to the bus. There was a burly security guard hanging out near the bus, keeping people that didn't belong there away, and he waved Steve past when he saw his tour badge. Steve got on the bus and waited. Peeking out the window every few minutes looking for Eddie. After about twenty minutes he saw him, Vic at his side, coming out of the entertainer's entrance towards the bus. He stopped and said something to Vic who laughed and then nodded before joining the security guard several yards away from the bus, but in line of sight so no one could get to Eddie without Vic knowing it.

They didn't speak, Eddie just grabbed the front of Steve's shirt and hauled him into a frenzied kiss while pushing him towards the back of the bus. Eddie stopped at his bunk for a moment and blindly reached into it for the small bag of items he'd brought from the hotel. Steve's hands went to the laces of Eddie's pants and by the time Eddie kicked the door of the back lounge shut, Steve had his erection in his hand. He dropped to his knees as soon as the door closed and took Eddie into his mouth. Eddie tossed the bag he had onto the table then leaned against the door and watched Steve swallow him. He reached to brush the back of his fingers over Steve's cheek. Steve opened his eyes and looked up at him.

"Suck it, my backstage queen," Eddie moaned. He moved his fingers to Steve's hair, fisted a handful of it and tugged a little. Steve whimpered around Eddie's dick and Eddie pumped his hips to meet Steve's mouth. After another minute or so, Eddie pulled Steve off but didn't let go of his hair. "Fuck, baby," he laughed. "You get better at that every time." Then he let go of Steve's hair and held his hand as he stood up.

"You don't want me to finish?"

"Not yet." He pressed his lips to Steve's. "There's something else I want. Take your clothes off." While Steve undressed, Eddie moved the table and folded out the bed. He peeled out of his leather pants then laid back on the bed and waited for Steve. Steve stood naked at the side of the bed and looked down at Eddie. "Come here, baby. Let me put my love into you."

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