You Got The Lips To Make A Strong Man Weak (Go Down-AC/DC)

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Eddie and Steve crawled under the blankets and fell asleep for a few hours. When they woke up again, Eddie gave Steve all of the paperwork and he filled it out. Then Eddie used his cell phone to call his people and let them know the contracts had been signed and Steve was officially on the payroll. While Eddie did that, Steve used the hotel room phone to call Dustin, then Robin, and explain to them what was going on. Dustin was excited for him and wanted all the details. Robin, on the other hand, seemed skeptical, but if it was what Steve wanted to do, she would stand behind his decision.

Once he was off the phone, Eddie ordered room service and they lounged around wearing just the big fluffy bathrobes the hotel provided. That way they had easy access to each other and could also quickly cover up when their food arrived and when the courier arrived. Steve gave Eddie a questioning look when he mentioned the courier, so Eddie explained that his lawyers were sending someone to pick-up Steve's paperwork.

They were on the couch, Eddie stretched out on top of Steve, kissing him lazily when there was a knock on the door. Eddie got up to answer it, handed over Steve's paperwork, signed a clipboard, then came back to sit next to Steve. Steve noticed he was holding an envelope in his hands. Eddie held it out to him. It had his name on it. Steve took it and opened it and inside was a check made out to him for fourteen hundred dollars.

"What's this," he asked, holding the check up between them.

"Your first two weeks retro pay," Eddie answered.

"What does that mean," Steve asked curiously.

"Didn't you read your contracts before you signed them," Eddie laughed.

"Honestly, no." Steve raised his eyebrows. "You put in the boy toy clause, right?" They both laughed. "I trust you."

"Retroactive pay," Eddie said. "Technically, your employment started a little more than two weeks ago, on May first, in Indianapolis. This is your paycheck from then to now."

"You don't have to do that," Steve told him. "I'm not hurting for money. And I wasn't really working for you for those two weeks."

"You were fulfilling your boy toy duties," Eddie laughed then leaned over and kissed him. "Take it, baby. The paperwork is already done. The money is yours. Consider it compensation for the tickets you bought that you won't be using."

"This is a lot of money."

"Your salary is fifty grand a year, before taxes," Eddie said. "That's not a lot of money."

"Considering the only jobs I've ever held were at Scoops Ahoy and Family Video where I made five fifteen an hour, this is huge. This works out to..." He closed his eyes and was deep in thought for a moment, his lips moving slightly as he did the math in his head. "Twenty-four bucks an hour." Eddie shrugged. "Honey, you really don't have to."

Eddie put his arms around Steve and slid onto his lap. "Did you just call me honey?" Steve flushed a light shade of pink as he nodded. "I call you baby all the time, but that's the first time you've called me anything other than my name." They kissed for a long moment. "I love it." Another kiss. "And I love the way you kiss." There was another knock at the door. "Food. Be right back."

He hopped off Steve's lap and went to answer the door. A waiter rolled in a large cart covered in silver cloches. Eddie signed off on a tip and he left. While Eddie removed all the covers and got everything ready, Steve went and put the check in his wallet. When he came back he cuddled up next to Eddie and they ate the random mix of foods Eddie had ordered. Scrambled eggs, bacon, waffles, enchiladas, chips and salsa, lasagna and garlic bread, club sandwiches and potato chips, cannoli and French éclairs. He hadn't been sure what Steve liked or wanted, so he just got what he liked, hoping Steve would be okay with it.

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