I Need A Mouthful And I Just Can't Wait (Candy Store Rock-Led Zeppelin)

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It was just after seven in the morning when the valet escorted Steve to the penthouse suite and deposited him and his duffel bag there. He looked around and wondered how much a room like this cost. He went to the window and looked out at the sun rising over Central Park. It was beautiful and he was enjoying the view, but all he could really concentrate on was Eddie. How much longer would it be until he got there? Steve tried to stifle a yawn. He'd been awake for almost twenty-four hours. He tried to nap on the flight, but he was too anxious, to excited to see Eddie. They would have two whole days together since their New York show wasn't until Sunday night.

Or, maybe that wasn't what this was. Steve suddenly doubted everything. There was absolutely no way this was actually working out the way he wanted it to. It had been too easy. Nothing ever came that easily to him when it came to love, sex, and relationships. As much difficulty as he had with girls after he and Nancy broke up, he had assumed that was because he was gay. So, when he started dating men and things hadn't gotten any easier, he just figured there was something about him.

He lost his battle against the yawn and let one out. He was so fucking tired. He glanced into the bedroom suite at the king size bed and smiled. Just the one bed. And it looked really comfortable. He figured he'd just lay down for a few minutes, rest his eyes until Eddie arrived. He took off his shoes and socks and laid them neatly next to the chair where the valet had left his bag, then crawled up onto the bed. He closed his eyes and within minutes he was sound asleep.


Eddie smiled when he saw Steve asleep on the bed, curled on his side, his legs drawn up in the fetal position. The valet quietly wheeled Eddie's suitcase into the bedroom suite, parked it next to Steve's things, then left, closing the door softly behind him. Eddie took off his shoes then went over and dropped his cigarette pack on the bedside table before kneeling next to the bed, brushed the hair back off Steve's forehead with his fingers. Steve's eyes fluttered open after a minute and they smiled at each other.

"Good morning, baby." Steve sat up and Eddie climbed onto the bed next to him. He was wearing a faded Metallica shirt and a pair of loose, baggy sweats. Steve had never seen someone look so fucking sexy in something so slouchy in his life. "How was your flight?"

"It was good," Steve answered. "You didn't tell me it was going to be a private plane."

"There are no commercial flights at three in the morning," Eddie laughed. "Thank you for coming. I was so scared you'd say no."

"Pink lace panties and a tattoo, Eddie," Steve chuckled. "And you thought I'd say no to a trip to New York?"

"Did you bring your pink lace panties with you?" Steve blushed a pale pink but nodded. "And your heart shirt?" Another nod. "That's my sweet baby girl," Eddie whispered before pressing his lips to Steve's.

Steve froze. Eddie said no kissing. But his tongue was against Steve's lips, probing urgently. Eddie cupped the back of Steve's head and moaned softly against his lips. Steve stopped resisting and parted his lips. Eddie's tongue snaked into his mouth and explored every inch of it. It took Steve's breath away. Eddie kissed like he did everything else, with passion and urgency and burning desire. Steve put his arms around Eddie and Eddie slid onto his lap, both arms going around Steve's neck.

"I thought you said no kissing," Steve said breathlessly when Eddie pulled back. He rested their foreheads together and just held him in his arms.

"I'm breaking a lot of rules for you," Eddie said. "No kissing. No names. No one in my private dressing room. No one in my hotel room." Steve nodded. "No dudes." They both laughed. "Man, what have you done to me? Why do I feel this way about you?"

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