Part 9

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"Oh my god, i am so stupid!"

A loud voice loomed through the halls of the university building, the voice belonging to Jaemin who was sitting on the floor outside his dorm.

"Why why why?!"

Another set of footsteps appeared, however it wasn't heard over the loud cries of Jaemin and the banging of the door.

"Jaemin? Are you ok?"

Jaemin jumped at the sudden voice, turning instantly to the person. Jaewoo cooed loudly as he made grabbing hands at the person, a large smile on his face.

"Mark? What are you doing here?" Jaemin stood up, walking towards Mark with a shocked look on his face "And in the university building?

"I'm visiting my brother" chuckled Mark, greeting Jaewoo with a smile "are you ok?"

"I'm locked out of my dorm but apart from that im good" sighed Jaemin, bouncing Jaewoo on his hip "and I've left everything i need in there too"

"Oh gosh" Mark gave Jaemin a sympathetic look "when are your friends coming back?"

"Not until later" sighed Jaemin, "they are at their classes"

"Do you want to come back to our dorm and wait with us until they come back?" asked Mark, "i can't let you stay out here alone"

"I'm not alone, i have Jaewoo" teased Jaemin, as Jaewoo still watched Mark "but I'd like that"

So thats how Mark and Jaemin found themselves walking down the street, taking turns holding Jaewoo as Mark thought Jaemin might get tired.

"He really likes you" chuckled Jaemin, as he watched Mark carry Jaewoo "and you only met him yesterday"

"Well i am a very likeable person" laughed Mark, "i can see why he likes me"

"I had fun yesterday" Mark smiled at Jaemin as the sun shone on the other's face "your friends are so funny"

"So are yours"

The two fell into a comfortable silence, taking turns to swap holding Jaewoo and the baby not minding as long as he was near Mark.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you looking after your brother?" Jaemin glanced at Mark in silence, thinking about what to say. Only to unknowingly scare the other.

"Oh im sorry for asking, you really don't have to say if you don't want to"

"My mum wasn't always present when i was younger, my neighbour was more family than she was" sighed Jaemin "and recently she wanted to talk and because i am a gullible, i agreed. And now i am looking after my baby brother"

"How many months?" asked Mark, bouncing Jaewoo on his hip

"Like five" said Jaemin, "why?"

"My mum is a nurse and he doesn't look like he is five months" said Mark, "i looks more like one years old"

"What?" exclaimed Jaemin, "i wouldn't know since she never told me how old he is or when was his birthday"

"Oh i'm sorry"

"Its ok Mark, I'm glad you told me" said Jaemin, giving Mark a thankful smile "i should maybe give her a call"

"Well you are free to use our phone" said Mark, as they came to his door "welcome to our dorm!"

"Hello? Guys?"

"I'm guessing they aren't here" chuckled Jaemin "are you sure this isn't an attempt to get me alone?"

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