Part 60

67 4 2

[hii sorry for not updating for a while, i had some things going on but i'm ok now!! please enjoy this chapter :)) ]

"So, what's the plan?" 

The group were sitting in the lobby of the hotel as Myunghee was signing in.

"What are we going to do?" asked Chenle "cause like i want to explore"

"Um isn't it like late right now?"  said Jaemin, as Jaewoo clapped his hands "shouldn't we sleep?"

"Ok but like it's not that late" said Jisung "its just like nine o clock"

"That's late" said Renjun "sorry if some of us didn't drink energy drinks unlike you"

"I didn't drink an energy drink" said Chenle, as Jisung nodded "this is just my regular energy"

"Good luck to whoever shares a room with them" laughed Yangyang "they are so chaotic"

"Actually we'll be exploring" said Jisung "only cool people are invited"

"Well this conversation is quite confusing by just joining" said Myunghee, as she arrived back "Care to explain?"

"These two are too excited to sleep" said Renjun, chuckling at the Chenji duo "But I bet they'll fall asleep after a while" 

"Lets make a bet then!" said Chenle "if we stay up, you have to buy us lunch. If we don't, we'll pay"

"Fine" said Renjun "but be prepared"

"So speaking of sleeping" said Myunghee, chuckling "i booked a room with three beds and five double bed rooms"

"And one of them has a cot obviously"

"Last chance to leave Jaewoo with us" teased Hana, nudging Jaemin's arm 

"Nope, us Na's stick together" said Jaemin "but thanks"

"Well here are your room keys" said Myunghee, handing everyone their key "have fun but not too much fun"

"I swear if they wink so much" said Yangyang "their eyes are gonna fall out"

"That's not humanly possible" laughed Shotaro "and kinda scary to think about"

"I kind of want to google it" said Jisung, taking his phone out "im gonna google it"

"Ok but maybe keep moving Ji" said Jeno, lightly moving Jisung forward "you probably shouldn't stand in the hall"

"Hold on, i'm still typing it" said Jisung, his eyes still on his phone "it'll be soon"

"See you later!" called Mark, chuckling as Jeno leaned on the wall waiting for Jisung 

"Ji?" Jeno called Jisung, giving people who passed by a small smile "Jisung?"

Jeno decided he couldn't handle the stares and picked up Jisung, the other not really noticing as he was still looking at his phone.

"Who knew eyes falling out would capture your attention" laughed Jeno, carrying Jisung towards the lift "is it interesting at least?"

Jeno, jumped Jisung further up over his shoulder as he started slipping, causing Jisung to drop is phone.

"Jen? i'm sorry for not paying attention to you" sighed Jisung, wrapping his arms around Jeno's neck "it wasn't worth it anyway, i couldn't find an answer"

"Its fine" said Jeno "you looked cute while you were searching"

"You're cuter" said Jisung, kissing Jeno "your eye smile makes me feel things"

"Oh really?" chuckled Jeno, as the lift doors opened "what things?"

"My heart beats fast" said Jisung "and my cheeks feel hot"

"Well you make me fe-"

"I wish my husband is a romantic as you" sighed a lady, capturing the couple's attention "he just works all the time"

"But daddy loves you mumma!" exclaimed the lady's daughter "even if he doesn't show it"

"And how do you know this?" asked the lady "did he tell you?"

"I can tell" said the child "and Mrs Lee told us a story about love!"

"i don't know" sighed the lady "he's be distant recen- oh i probably shouldn't talk to you about this"

"How do you guys do it?"

"Oh we've onl-"

"The key is communication and honesty" said Jeno "and to check in with them from time to time, they'll appreciate it"

"Go on dates as well"

"But he's always busy" sighed the lady "i feel like we're falling apart"

"that's why you should talk to each other" said Jeno, slipping his hand into Jisung's hand "it helps i promise"

"Thank you" said the lady, as the doors opened "i appreciate the advice"

"Bye sirs!!" called the child, as she and her mum walked out "have a nice day"

"Since when were you an expert in romance" teased Jisung "i feel like there's another side to you"

"I used to help people with their relationships in high school" laughed Jeno "i guess i'm an expert since my mum is a couples therapist"

"Woah she sounds cool" said Jisung "can't wait to meet her"

"She can't wait either" said Jeno, as the doors opened on their floor "here we are anyway"

"What room are we in?" asked Jisung, his cheeks turning red

"404" said Jeno, walking towards the door "right between Markmin and Renhyuck, this will be fun"

"As long as they don't do anything" said Jisung "or i won't be able to sleep"

"I thought you weren't going to sleep?" teased Jeno "the Jisung i know would hate to lose a bet"

"Ugh well, this Jisung is tired" sighed Jisung, as they opened the door "its just lunch anyway"

"And its supposed to be both of us staying awake or sleeping. So if Chenle doesn't sleep then its fine"

"I have a feeling that you'll lose the bet" said Jeno "you both looked tired"

"Nah, I'm no-" Jisung yawned loudly, before flopping onto the bed and closing his eyes "tired"

"Sure thing Ji" Jeno kissed Jisung's forehead before laying down next to him "good night"

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