Part 80

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"Today history is going to be made. The Seoul Shark's have fought their way throughout the season, this is the team's first time in the final."

"The opposing team the Daegu Wolves have a winning streak, despite two of their teammates sustaining serious injuries, they made the final"

"Will this be the Seoul shark's first ever win?" 

"or will the Daegu Wolves win another title?"


"So how are you feeling?" the friends were sat in the stands, Jaewoo was holding Jaemin's phone as they were having a conversation with their partners. 

"The atmosphere in here is very nerve-wracking" said Donghyuck, as they got ready in the locker rooms "everyone is nervous"

"well hyuckie is nervous for another reason" teased Jeno, as Donghyuck hit Jeno's arm hard "but yes today's game is make or break"

"You'll be fine" assured Chenle "you always play your very best and no matter what happens, we will still be proud"

"Aww thank you Lele" sighed Sungchan "it is our first time in the final which is a achievement on its own"

"I'm proud of you my uncles" said Jaewoo "when is it starting?" 

"Soon wooie" chuckled Jaemin "if you want, I can get you some snacks?"

"Oh if you're going can you get us some too?" asked Jisung "I'd like popcorn"

"Me too"

"I'm only getting Jaewoo snacks" said Jaewoo, raising an eyebrow "if you want some you can come"

"Thanks Minnie" teased Renjun "I'll come with you"

"Thank you Junnie" said Jaemin "the only one who cares"

"We care Na Jaemin" exclaimed Chenle, as Jaemin and Renjun walked towards the snack bar "we love you"


"What's going on?" The game had just started and there had been five near misses. Half of the group was engrossed in the game, the other half was whispering to each other about what was going on.

"I have no idea" said Jaemin, a frown on his face as he talked to Renjun "how does a four year old have more knowledge than we do?"

"but haven't you been to all of uncle's and markie's games?" asked Jaewoo "I thought you'd be more understanding than me"

"Should I be insulted or proud?" asked Jaemin "he's so smart. he obviously gets it from me"

"He isn't your kid" said Renjun, rolling his eyes "his dad or mum is the smart ones"

"Shut up" said Jaemin "I practically raised him"

"We all raised him" corrected Chenle, turning to the two "don't try and take credit"

"and if you want to know what's going on, the Daegu Wolves are winning"

"Oh that's not good" said Jaemin, a nervous look on his face "I knew that"

"Hey, its ok not knowing everything" said Yangyang, patting Jaemin's back "it doesn't make you stupid"

"We never said that" exclaimed Renjun, glaring at Yangyang "we just find it hard to follow, no big deal"

"Don't worry" said Chenle "they'll catch up in time"

"Cool" said Renjun "this is very exciting"


There was a minute left on the clock. Both teams were tied up and could win at any moment. The crowd were on the edge of their seats, their eyes were following every move carefully in anticipation.

"Lee Jeno has the ball, he passed it to Lee Donghyuck, he's so close to the hoop. Will it go in with five seconds left?!"

Donghyuck ran towards the hoop and made the shot. Everyone held their breath as they watched the ball fly in the air, the opposition team quickly jumped to block it.

"Three, two, one, the ball went it as the ball went in!! The Seoul Sharks win!"

"They've won their first final!" yelled Jisung, jumping up and down with excitement "they won!"

The friends saw as their family hugged on the court, they ran down the bleachers and onto the court, ignoring the security's calls.

"You won" yelled Renjun, running into Donghyuck's arms, Donghyuck lifted Renjun off the floor and spun his around, the two leaned in closer, passionately kissing. "I am so proud"

"I love you"

"I love you too Junnie" chuckled Donghyuck, putting Renjun down "and I've been thinking"

"Oh no" said Renjun, a worried look on his face "did I do something wrong? I promise I'll fix it, I'm sorry"

"No no babe, you've done nothing wrong" said Donghyuck, placing his hands on Renjun's waist "we've been together for three years and I love you so much"

"I love how your face lights up when we watch your favourite movies, and I love how you take interest into my hobbies even though you have a fear of heights"

"That day when you asked me to teach you how to play, it made me realise that I want to spend the rest of my life with you"

"Oh my god" sighed Renjun, as Donghyuck slowly got down on one knee "hyuckie?"

"So Huang Renjun, will you marry me?"

"Yes of course I will!" yelled Renjun, kissing Donghyuck as he put the ring on his finger "I love you so much"

"I would love to marry you"

"They are so cute" cried Jisung, as he leaned his head on Jeno's shoulder "how did they make me feel single even though I have a boyfriend?"

"Its the Renhyuck effect" said Jaewoo "Minnie says they could make any couple feel single"

"It's true" laughed Yangyang, as he wrapped his arm around Shotaro's shoulders "how do they do it?"

"Who else knew they'd be the first to get married?" asked Mark "I mean it was so obvious"

"And Markmin will be last" teased Chenle, a grin on his face "what? it could be true. I'd bet on it"

"I would prove you wrong" said Mark "but let's celebrate Renhyuck getting engaged first"

"Its ok Markie" said Jaewoo "I can get the siblings to help"

"I don't nee- thank you Wooie" sighed Mark "now why don't we go out tonight and celebrate?"

"Let's go!!!"

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