Part 1

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"No, I won't forget anything." Y/n huffed annoyingly, knowing full well their mother was always on their butt about leaving and forgetting anything. The mother yelled at them while they still packed their belongings.

"I'm serious, don't leave a single thing here, I don't want you to ever return here!" She yelled at Y/n. Y/n sighed and looked directly into her parent's eyes, making it clear that she was tired of her bullshit. Eye contact was Y/n's only source of defending herself since her wide eyes always freaked them out.

"Shut the fuck up, I fucking get the memo, Mother," Y/n stated, staring into her eyes, almost like a death glare. Her Mother eventually shut up, Y/n broke eye contact and continue to pack their thing. Her mother broke the silence after a while, curious about where she was moving to.

"Where are you moving to anyways?"

"It's a small town called Lovejoy, it's in Michigan, far away from you all as much as possible," Y/n replied, her mother looked at her for a second before responding. "Lovejoy sounds like a band I know." She smiled, trying to be a little nostalgic. "Yeah," Y/n mumbled while still packing her things.

The mother of Y/n looked at her with concern before soon speaking. "I know I'm not the best mother but please be careful out there. I know you want to be dissociated from me and I get that but just know I really do love and care for you. I wish you the best of luck." The mother explained, and with that, she left the room. Leaving Y/n with their thoughts. "Yeah, sure." They huffed, finishing her packing and starting to prepare to go to bed.

Y/n set a five o'clock alarm for her to load up the moving truck and leave by six or seven o'clock that morning. She soon fell asleep.


Wally glared outside, the sky now completely dark, making Wally close his newspaper. "Looks like it's time to clock out Home." He said, Home responded with a creek of the floor. Wally already knew their response. "Ah, yes, you tired, I understand," Wally said happily, getting up from his seat. He grabbed his cup and went to the kitchen, washing the cup before preparing for his shower.

Home gave him another creek and crack of the floor, talking to Wally through telepathy. "I heard rumors about a new neighbor."

"Ah. I heard too, interesting as to why they would've chosen this place of all places." Wally replied to Home. Wally unkempt his air out of his style, brushing it out to reveal his nice long hair. Sure, it was a lot to keep up with, but definitely was something Wally appreciated about himself.

"I don't exactly blame them though, who wouldn't like this place, very quaint and nice. Colorful too." Wally smiled, turning on the water and undressing. "I do agree Wally, I'm sure they'll see what we see soon." Home replied to Wally through telepathy. "Sure. Not everyone is the same here." Wally replied sarcastically. "I'm serious."

"Home, face it, they'll leave like the others. I don't want to think that but that's how I feel." Wally said, soaking himself deep in his bubble bath. "We will find out, won't we?" Home asked, "Si, lo haremos, querido amigo. (Yes, we will dear friend.)" Wally replied. "Well, good night Wally." "Good night Home, sleep well," Wally replied, relaxing in his bath once more.

Wally was finally left with his thoughts, he wondered if the newcomer would actually like this place. Wally smiled as he wondered what they would be like. He huffed, grabbing his shampoo and washing the crap out of his hair. Then cursing in pain as the shampoo got into his eyes. When he finished, he did the skincare routine before splashing his face with cold water to close the pores.

Of course, he had to pose in the mirror happily. "No one stopping me now." He smiled deviously, his god complex coming out. Nothing outshined him, not any of the neighbors, he was the spotlight, and he held that like a trophy but very kindly. Even if he had a god complex, he knew his limits.

"Will you stop worshipping yourself and go to bed." Home huffed in annoyance. "Fine fine, such a party pooper." Wally laughed, turning off the bathroom light and going to his room. As soon as he lay down, he quickly set his alarm for six o'clock for work. Then falling asleep.


Y/n didn't wait and quickly got up happily as soon as the alarm on her phone went off. Getting dressed and quickly put all her stuff into the truck, slamming it shut when she finished. She decided to skip breakfast as she had planned on getting food on her way out on the road since Y/n had gotten tired of the breakfast back at home.

She left around six thirty, her phone playing some ABBA music through the system of the truck's speakers. After the first few minutes of the drive, Burn It Down by Linkin Park came on which started to make her cry. The song was powerful. Small tears came down her face, not much since she cried a lot before.

When the song finished, she whipped her tears and drove into a truck stop, pumping the truck to the max and going into the store, grabbing her favorites. She went up to the cash register and the teen smiled softly, scanning her items.

"Moving too?" The teen asked Y/n, "Oh, Lovejoy Michigan. A nice quaint town, still have about four whole hours to cover on the road." Y/n replied happily. The teen smiled. "I took a visit there, you'll love it, very colorful and has a lot of friendly residents. It even has a lovely nice actor living in the residents." The teen replied. "Actor?" Y/n asked.

The teen nodded. "Wally Darling is both his role and his real name." They explained, "I also heard from the other residents that he doesn't stray away from his personality on show than in real life. It's like he isn't acting, he's being himself."

"Interesting, what's the show called?" Y/n asked, "Welcome Home, it's based on the location he lives in. Of course, not everything is real in the show than in real life, but the fiction helps keep the story interesting." The teen said enthusiastically. Y/n smiled and wrote the show on her watch list in her iPhone notes, soon waving the cashier goodbye, and giving her a five-dollar tip.

Back on the road they went, resuming the music and jamming out happily. The trip still having about fours to finish up.

Welcome, Dear Neighbor! (Human Actor Wally x Female Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now