Part 13

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"What? Wally wouldn't do that!" Y/n said in denial, Sally looked at her seriously. "You don't know that," Sally stated. 

Y/n stood silent and in surprise, "Do you have proof?" Y/n asked, trying to make sure Sally wasn't lying. Sally nodded and showed her a video she had taken of the incident from the parking lot view. Y/n stared at the video in horror, covering her mouth to prevent herself from throwing up at the sight of the gore, blood spilling everywhere in his car.

"That explains the car cleaning Tuesday morning." Y/n whispered, "Wait, he was covering up his tracks?" Sally asked. "It's too late, even if we had the video, the people could think it's CGI since we don't have physical proof on the car or Alec's body," Y/n stated to Sally. "Wait, he likes you, why don't you try to record him admitting his crime," Sally exclaimed, Y/n quickly covered her mouth at her yelling. 

"Keep it down, we don't want the others to know. I do already think Wally's best pal, Barnaby, has suspicions as well." Y/n sighed, "Are you going to try to get him to admit his crime?" Sally asked, "I'll think about but it's risky, he could kill me if he found out I knew." Y/n explained, giving Sally a pat on the shoulder before soon leaving the bathroom.

She grabbed her Coffee and left the cafe, obviously making the others confused as hell. Sally soon exited the bathroom too, "What happened?" Barnaby questioned. "We talked, and she told me her stomach was hurting so she left for the day," Sally explained, her explanation sounding logical.

"Ah, I see," Barnaby replied, not fully convinced. Sally sat down and started acting like everything was okay. "I hope her stomach gets to feeling better," Julie said happily. Sally agreed with Julie. 


As Y/n arrived home, she couldn't help but grab her chest out of fear, her heart beating fast. "Damn it, she was right." Y/n whispered to herself, referring to her mother telling her to be careful. 

Y/n calmed herself down and looked out of the back doors to her porch and noticed it was clouding up, beginning to rain. It didn't look bad, just pouring without thunder which was unusual. The rest of the town was quick to notice as well.

"Raining, but it was just pretty a minute ago." Howdy stated, "You know the ol' saying, when it's rainin with the sun, the devil is beating his wife!" Howdy's assistant replied jokingly as they began to put up the equipment away from working outside. "I guess. It's always sunny here in Lovejoy so it's odd." Howdy continued. "Awe, don't worry about it too much, at least the crops will get free fresh water." His assistant explained. 

"You're right, let's seek shelter inside," Howdy said, entering the bodega with his assistant. "I'm going to cook some pecan pie sweet cheeks, good luck with the customers." His assistant stated happily.

Howdy's assistant was an older sweet grandma-like lady, definitely a woman who was still in good shape for her age. Most of the neighborhood, including Wally, called her Mama Violet. Growing up in the South for the majority of her life, she moved here with Mara, the coffee-making gal of the town which always had business. 

Eventually, the door opened and Wally entered with his umbrella closed. "Afternoon Wally." Howdy greeted, "Greetings Howdy. Apples in?" He questioned, "As usual." Howdy smiled, "Good."

Wally grabbed a basket and started his shopping, "Anything interesting happening for you lately?" Howdy asked, trying to start small talk. "Yes actually, a new neighbor named Y/n moved in this past week, such a lovely gal." 

"Sounds like you really like her, are you perhaps in love with her?" Howdy asked, "There's no denying it. She'll be my everything." Wally stated, Howdy heard his context which made him feel uneasy about what he meant. "Oh, well, good luck with that," Howdy said, trying to be supportive, even if he stated something weirdly. Wally grabbed his final things and headed to the register. Howdy began to scan his belongings, the majority of his buys were obviously apples, baking products, flowers, and foods to cook with.

"Apple pie?" Howdy questioned Wally, "Nope, I don't like the texture, I'm buying them for my paintings to practice." Wally replied, "Oh, okay." Howdy replied, still surprised he didn't eat them. 

After all his products were scanned, Wally paid his amount, grabbed the ticket, then left the bodega. He opened his umbrella, and the rain poured. Wally decided to stop by Y/n's place to deliver the flowers he bought for her. Walking upon her pouch and knocking on the door, the door opened he saw Y/n.

"I thought to stop by and deliver some flowers I bought you," Wally said softly, "Oh, um...thanks, Wally," Y/n replied, taking the flowers from him and smiling softly, trying to hide her fear. "You're welcome," Wally replied. "Well, I'm not going to keep you-"

"Wait!" Y/n demanded which surprised him.

"Yes?" Wally questioned, "Come in, your house is still a few walks away and I don't want you in this rain." Y/n stated that he agreed to come in. Shutting the door behind himself. "Thank you, mind putting my groceries in the fridge?" Wally asked her, she nodded. Going to the fridge and placing the stuff on the shelf. Wally took his raincoat off and placed it on her coat hanger nearby alongside his umbrella. 

Y/n thought about grabbing the cast iron skillet from up under her oven drawer but stopped herself. "Do it!" Her mind screamed, Wally entered the kitchen innocently and was about to ask her if she was okay. Before he knew it, a large slap on the cast iron skillet was slammed into his head, forcing him to fall back and pass out before her. Y/n huffed as she looked at him in fear. 

"Rope, tape, and a chair." She mumbled to herself. Dragging him by his collar with actual force, seemingly stronger than before. 

She had done it, she had the first step finished, planning on tieing him up and then interrogating him soon after he woke. "No more." She stated, seemingly in a trace of fear mixed with her plans. Those words of Sally rang through her head. 

"What about Wally? What if he got bad enough with his crimes?"

"What if we were next on his kill list Y/n, are you just going to stand by and allow it?"


Welcome, Dear Neighbor! (Human Actor Wally x Female Reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now