Part 34

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Wendy handed Wally his bags, the days had passed by rather quickly due to planning. "We'll see you in another two days, we don't want him suspecting anything," Wendy stated as she gave her son a hug. "I will be sure to and don't we worry, we'll succeed," He smiled as they pulled from the hug.

"Just know that I never regretted having you or the siblings, even if it was a lavender marriage, just know that," Wendy said, giving Wally a kiss on the forehead. "I know Mama, I'll see you soon okay, but be safe yourself when you head up soon to see us," He stated, giving her one last squeazy hug. "Love you, Mama!" He waved as he put his bags into the truck. "We love you too Wally," The family yelled in unison.

With that, Wally and Y/n got into the car. Driving off. "I hope everything works out for us," Y/n said as she looked back a bit before soon looking at Wally. "It will, if it doesn't, I'll be pissed," He stated sternly. Y/n put her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. "We won't, we planned thoroughly enough," Y/n cued softly. "We'll see."


As they arrived home, the little camera following Wally flew away back to Doreliane. Thankfully the little device got shot down by Eddie who found it to be a bit creepy to be stalking his friend. He picked up the device once it shot down, going back into the house with it. "Looks like I shot a stalking camera down that was spyin on Wally," He announced to Frank with his Texan accent. He huffed and took the camera out of his hand, looking at it. The little thing sparked, showing it was electrical. "You're right, kind of creepy, why him of things?" Frank asked.

"Nevermind, the company he works for," Frank sighed, putting the pieces together. "That guy never seems to get a break, that's like the third one I shot within the few months, somethings obviously up," Eddie hinted. "I wouldn't doubt it, the company obviously had some mixed opinions, rumors I must say," Frank said, watering the plants by the window.

"I wish we could help, I can only imagine how stressed Wally must be to know he's being watched at least 24 hours a day when he's offset," Eddie growled, feeling angry for Wally. "It's not our place or business to know, he's just our neighbor and he isn't paranoid, if he really wanted our help he would ask," Frank stated which Eddie agreed on.

The couple had a lot of suspicions but never bothered to step in, it wasn't their business and they knew that, they often tried to keep to themselves to not be creepy like the cameras.

"Welcome back home Wally," Sally smiled, giving Wally the keys to Home. "Thanks for looking after the fella Sally, I really do appreciate it," Wally smiled with Y/n holding his hand. Sally noticed and smiled mischievously. "My my, you two definitely look like you all are close," Sally smiled. They blushed and laughed a little.

She gave them a second to calm down before getting serious, "Also, we need to talk about a little something," Sally stated sternly, Wally nodded. They all entered the house and Home shut the door for them, staying quiet so could have their conversation. "Eddie came to me about something, this," Sally said, showing a shot-up small camera, almost the size of a blueberry. It was broken pretty badly to the point Wally didn't know what it was. Sally handing it over to him.

"No way, Eddie shot this little tiny thing down?" Wally asked, Sally nodded. "It's a camera that was spying on you, he found it flying around the air on it's way to your place earlier today before you arrived, it's very likely it's from Doreliane," She stated seriously. "I knew it," Wally growled angrily, clenching his teeth together as he he gripped on the tiny camera.

"What are you going to do? We can't enact the plan if we are being consistently spied upon," Y/n sighed, Sally huffed. "I'm afraid there isn't anything we can do, at least it's not inside the house. As long as Eddie keeps shooting them down, you guys need to plan quickly as possible," Sally sighed.

"I agree with Sally, planning quickly is the only choice we have as of right now," Y/n agreed, Wally started to feel a little stressed out and walked over to the window towards the back of the his back, looking as the sunset once more. "We wait, if they are sending out those cameras, it must be because they keeping an eye for anything suspicious," Wally stated.


"Don't! There's no point in enacting the plan in case he keeps sending those little bots out, so for now we fall back for now and wait for the others, understand?" Wally interrupted and questioned, Y/n felt a little hurt by him interrupting her. He realized that very quickly and apologized. "Y/n. Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me," He said, hugging her. "I just need this to go smoothly, plus we need to wait for Mama and the others," He stated. "Know what I mean?" He asked, She nodded.

"Good, I'm sorry again," He said, hugging her tightly and protectively. "I think you should go get some rest back at your place, it lowers the suspicion if you know what I mean," Wally said, Y/n nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek. As Y/n headed back, he waved her goodbye with a warm smile. But she only had a sad look to her.

"Tell me the plan, if it's to take down that Tyrant then I'm in," Sally said sternly, Wally nodded happily. "You might want to sit down for this, it'll take a while to explain," Wally said. "I understand," Sally replied, sitting on a nearby couch and preparing for the worse. As they explanation was given, she gulped and looked at him seriously. "Let's hope this works out," She sighed, her hand gripped together tightly as if it was something she never expected before.

"We need to make sure we give it our all, I agree with my mom, I want revenge just like her, there's nothing we have left to lose," Wally stated sternly, Sally looked at him, eye to eye. "We will, if we don't then we're doomed, he'll try to expose us to get the public after us, is that why we're being so sneaky?" Sally questioned, Wally hummed in response.

"Need more people?" Sally asked, "Afraid so, it's for the better, even Y/n said the more the merrier." Wally stated, she smiled. "Well then, I guess tomorrow I'll have to introduce you the anti-Doreliane group, you'll love them," Sally revealed, making Wally have hope deep within.

"Sounds like a plan."

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