Dare #7

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@angeldwolf1 I have a dare for everyone. Spy on the date. Good luck


On a bright sunny Friday, Delta took Dante to Disneyland for their date. Therefor leaving the rest of the Bey group home, or so they thought.

Infact the very group of blader's that should have been back home, were infact hiding behind various objects as they spied on their friends date.

Hyuga, was hiding behind a pole with Hikaru and he was already restless: Hikaru, I'm bored!~

Hikaru, looks at his younger brother in disbelief: Already!? but we haven't even been here for more then 5 minutes!?

Hyuga, gave his a brother a little huff: Yeah, 5 minutes too many! I wanna go on a rollercoaster!

Hikaru gets frustrated at this: We aren't here to ride a rollercoaster Hyuga! We're here to spy on Delta and Dante's date.

Hyuga, gives Hikaru a growl before coming out from behind the pole and running off calling over his shoulder: I DON'T CARE HIKARU!, I'M GONNA RIDE THE ROLLERCOASTERS!

Hikaru, growls under his breath: Sorry mom, but Hyuga isn't coming home tonight because I'm gonna kill him.

With that Hikaru, got out of his hiding spot and took off after Hyuga.

The others could only sigh as they watched the brothers run off to who knows where in the park.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 Minutes Later~~~~~~~~~~~~

Zac, was seen chilling on a bench with his 'disguise' on.

Lui, was also sitting next to him with arms crossed and a frown on his face.

They had somehow gotten separated from the rest of their group and decided to find a nice bench to sit on.

It was actually quiet peaceful...then it happened.

It was faint at first, but as it got closer the ground started to shake and make a rumbling sound.

Confused, Zac looked over the back of the bench to find a large dust cloud heading straight for them. Zac, squinted his eyes at the cloud then as it approached closer the sounds of squealing fangirls reached his ears.

Now with eyes wide as saucers Zac, whispered one thing that got Lui's attention: Oh, dear.

Lui, looked over at Zac, annoyed: What is it?

Turning back around Zac, started sweating and gave a nervous laugh: Well, It appears some of my fans may have found us.

Lui, eyes almost popped out at this: WHAT!!?

Zac, dared to sneak another glance over the back of the bench. Seeing the stampede of fans getting closer he quickly stood: We should run.

Lui, scoffed and started running as soon as he stood up: No, need to tell me twice! I fucking hate fangirls, Especially yours!

Zac, was left gaping before yelping as the sounds of squealing girls got louder. Making like Lui, he quickly took off: WAIT FOR ME LUI!!

Loud screaming of "ZAC!" ringing out behind them, And surprising there was even some calling out "LUI!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~ Around The same time with Valt & Shu~~~~~~~~~~~~

Valt, stuffing ice cream in his mouth.

Shu, sat watching him as he slowly ate his own ice cream.

Getting concerned Shu, spoke up: Maybe you should slow down Valt, wouldn't want to get brain freeze now would you?

Ignoring Shu's warning Valt, continued stuffing ice cream into his mouth before he suddenly went stiff.

Shu, looked at him in concern: Valt?

All of a sudden Valt, clutched his head and cried out: MY BRAIN FROOOZE!!

Shu, stared at Valt, in surprise before sighing: Well, I did warn ya.

With that Shu, scooped up some of his own ice cream and put it in his mouth only to freeze an grunt in pain as his brain also froze.

Seeing the face Shu made had Valt, forgetting his brain freeze and instead had him forgetting how to breath.

~~~~~~~~~~~~ With Daigo, Wakiya & Honcho~~~~~~~~~~~~

'What has my life come to?' Daigo thought in misery.

Daigo, was standing in line for the 'Little Mermaid Ride' wishing his failed attempted at summoning a demon had actually worked.

Honcho, bouncing up and down like a little kid: This is gonna be so epic!

Wakiya, nodding in agreement for once: Oh, yeah!

Once again Daigo sighs: 'They finally get along, and It's because of this!?'

Glancing back at the two blondes, and seeing them both jumping in excitement had Daigo's soul slowly leaving his body. 'Please god, I beg you. Let me die now.' 

~~~~~~~~~~~~ With Everyone Else~~~~~~~~~~~~

looking around going out of their minds.

Not only had the group somehow lost Zac, Lui, Valt & Shu. They also managed to lose Delta & Dante.

The whole group: WHERE THE FUCK, ARE THEY!?!!

~~~~~~~~~~~~ With Delta & Dante~~~~~~~~~~~~

Delta, looked around the restaurant and sighs in happiness: Finally, We lost them.

Looking across the table Delta, sighed in contentment as he watched Dante stuff his face with all sorts of Disneyland food.

Dante, has literal stars in his eyes: THIS IS ALL SOOO GOOD!, BELIEVE IT!


Mission: Spy on Delta & Dante's date- Status- EPIC FAIIIIIIIILLLLLL!!

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