A/N I Still Hate Doing These!

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Hey guys! Just wanted to update you on my health. I'm feeling much better now, I'm currently taking antibiotics and something else for my nose. The soreness and swell has all but disappeared now yay!

When I went to the doctor last Thursday It was discovered that I have these things called polyps in my nose. So depending on what the doctor says when I go back this Friday, I might have to have a surgery to get them removed. 

But let's hope it doesn't come to that 😉. 

ANYWAY! Since I'm feeling better now, you're all welcome to start sending in Ask & Dares again!

I know I seem to be getting sick alot over the past 2 years, and I'm pretty sure It's the new house we moved into exactly 2 years ago now. But we can't confirm anything, so It's being crossed as my immune system fricking hates me!

Love You guys, and hope to get new Ask & dares soon!

Also this A/N will be deleted in the next day or so.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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