Ask #5

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@angeldwolf1 Ask for Delta and Dante. How was the date lovebirds? Also to the others don't feel to bad about losing them during the date.


Delta, smiles while speaking calmly: It went really well, you know apart from when those fools tried to spy on us.

Dante, grinning widely while yelling the complete opposite of Delta: AND NOW WE'RE DATING!!

Delta, sighed but couldn't help the loving smile he directed towards the shorter boy: Yeah, we are.

The other Blader's could be seen sulking in the background.

Daigo, let out a sigh: I don't get it. Not only did we lose sight of Delta & Dante, but we also managed to lose Zac, Lui, Shu & Valt.

Honcho nods in agreement before looking at the said Blader's: Yeah, where were you guys anyway?

Lui, huffs in irritation: When we got separated from you losers, we found a bench to sit on before we got chased by Zac's stupid fangirls.

Zac, slightly offended by that: My fangirls are not stupid! 

Zac, turns his head: Beside some of those fans were after you.

Ken, turns his attention to the other two using Besu to speak: What about you guys?

Valt gave them a wide grin and threw his hands in the air: Shu and I ate ice cream!

Shu, nods before responding kinda blankly: We got brain freeze.

Valt, visible flinched at the reminder: Oh yeah, that wasn't fun.

Honcho, cringes: God, I hate brain freezes.

Wakiya, shudders: Yeah, they hurt.

Daigo, staring blankly at them: If ice creams given to children as a treat, why does it torture us when we eat it too fast by freezing our brains?

Everyone was now staring at Daigo with giant eyes as they tried and failed to process the question Daigo, just put into their heads.

Because really, why do parents give their children ice cream as a treat. when it tortures them with the pain of frozen brains when eating it too fast?


A/N: Hey guys just a quick note. I might not be able to update for a couple days after this, because I have fallen sick once more. My nose keeps blocking up making it almost impossible to breath unless I'm standing. 

Because of this I have to sleep on my back with my head over the top of my pillows just so I can breath well enough to sleep. Not to mention my eyes and head hurt.

So I just wanted to let you guys know it might be a couple days until I update again. If a new update does come out before the end of the week it will be a damn miracle. Because even my mother said I looked half dead this morning.

Yes, Such kind words mother. I really appreciate them, when I'm currently feeling like shit.

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