Chapter 23:One Day In Your Life

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"🎶Just call my name and I'll be there mmmmmmmmmmm mmmmm mmmm mmmm you'll remember me some how though you don't need me now I will stay in your heart and when things fall apart you ll remember one day"

"Michael why are you singing one day in your life.... You haven't sung that song in years Michael"

"I know but I remembered its one of my favorites Diana and being wet as a mop cause of the kids makes me happy and I'm just glad to have my family and kids and that song was in my mind when were doing the water balloon fight"

"Ohh we'll I guess that makes sense"

"Yes it dose babe hahaha wait wait Evan please your mother was talking to me "


" Haha I'm coming Evan sorry I'm about of breathe cause Paris won't stop chasing me"

"Haha okay prince now throw the balloon and run ! RUN fast PRINNNCE! "

"Prince Jackson are you ready to get super soaked ..."

"Haha like your gonna use ... Ut oh ... Haha daddy wait wait"

"Michael !? Michael ? Baby really"

"What Diana they want to play with me if it's not important it can wait Diana"

"Okay ..."

"PRINCEEEEE!!!! Prince slow down hahahaha"

"Nope dad your gonna soak me and your not gonna catch me dad I'm climbing up the tree"

"Oh I'll catch you prince before you were born I was running jumping and climbing that tree so you better get ready cause here I comeeee! Hahahahaha"

"DAD WAIT WAIT HAHAHA I'm soaked I'm soaked dad"

"That's what I thought Prince... HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I got you let's go inside the house and dry off"

"Michael ?... Michael .... Can we talk now ..? I wanna talk to you about Your new son"

"Not now Diana... I wanna stay and have fun with my children we can talk about this later"

"Michael you know what I'm gonna go out with Berry real quick to see how he's been I can't take this"

"Huh what do you mean Berry and what can't you take me spending time with my kids Diana ... Damn I thought you cared about this about me having enough time to spend with my children but you know what go ahead and spend time with Berry while I spend time with my kids"

"Ugh Michael I can't right now thank you love you bye!"

"Wow talk about over dramatic huh Prince hahaha shell be okay I guess it was to much for her after the baby thing and everything but I barley get to see you all I'd love if she could understand that this is all time I get sometimes because of my schedule..."

"I know dad mom is just tired and needs a break ... Now let's race to the shower"

"Hahaha okay prince but slow down your wet and you can fall and get hurt"

"Okay dad! "

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