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"Michael Michael can we please talk please don't leave"

"No Whitney you made yourself very Clear I'll see you around"

"Michael baby you know when I'm mad I don't think when I talk when I'm mad"

"I can't Whitney I'm about to get married I just can't I love you baby"
Michael kisses Whitney on the
forehead & leaves to his new room
And calls up Diana

"Diana baby i wanna get married to you as soon as possible I miss you I miss us"

"I miss you to Michael"
Prince laughs in the back

"Who's that.... Diana ?"

"It's just my friend"

"Your friend PRINCE!"

"Yes Michael"

"Wow so this is ware it comes to Diana"

"I don't know Michael"
Michael slams the phone

Michael's POV
Lord what happen to us you know the Whitney thing was love still is love
.... It was back in 1975 I was only a teen almost an adult and Diana pulled me to the side and said Michael do your best baby I love you so much more then you'll understand at the moment I was so confused but when she said I love you Michael I just melted inside oh lord how I smiled big that night I was performing find me a girl I was looking at Diana the whole time cause I knew that night I already found me a girl that made my heart skip a beat made me feel complete that's the moment I knew Diana was mine and at the moment I thought I was hers till Berry Walked in and then she gazed at him and it broke my heart then I grabbed a lady from the crowd and started singing One more chance to her then kissed her Diana looked over and then ran to the bathroom I ran after her she was crying so hard then I took her by the arm Diana why are you so upset and crying I'm sorry I'm so sorry I just got jealous when I seen you smile when Berry walked in she said Michael I don't longer love Berry I'm in love with you Michael I've been in love with you since you was 5 I could never say that till now she at that moment had my heart she was in my heart forever and I knew that moment id never let her go it was 1981 we finally got to put it out there Michael and Diana Ross a couple they talked about it for months we were the big new thing the 70's & 80's was are best times I'll never forget it ....

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