Chapter Four

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Chapter 4:

I told myself as I laid there that night that if I was blessed enough to wake up next to something as gorgeous as Camila every morning, and be awaken by her touch, I might just live a life worth living. I soon found myself admitting defeat to my exhaustion and finally falling asleep. The next day being something I was certainly looking forward to.

(Camila's POV)

I woke from a nightmare with sweat dripping from my forehead. Fuck, not again, I thought to myself as a brushed a hand through my hair. I turned to look at my clock to check the time, it was 5am. I tried to regain my former position by tossing and turning on the small mattress, unfortunately it was no use. Once I realized this, I got up from my bed, and made my way to the kitchen. If I couldn't sleep I might as well work on my paper right? Right. I turned the light on in the small kitchen and began looking for coffee filters and the container of my favourite flavoured kind which I saved for those mornings when I really needed a pick me up.

Sighing once I found what I was looking for, I immediately obliged, and put the coffee filter in the machine. Then filled it with the remaining contents of my happiness. As I waited for it to brew, the thought of a beautiful green-eyed woman came to mind. Lauren, I smiled to myself, then the reality of what day it was struck me full force. Shit, I'm meeting her for coffee later. Okay, breathe Camila, it'll be alright, just breathe. It's not like she's the most enchanting thing you ever came face to face with in your entire lifetime right? I mean she's not that pretty, her eyes aren't that green, and phhft her smile doesn't make me want to kiss her for the rest of your life, right? The smell of caramel coffee filled the small New York kitchen as it finished being brewed and laid comfortably in it's home, the coffee pot. 'Fuck, who am I kidding' I shuddered inwardly as I poured myself a cup of the unusually less bitter liquid. I knew that if Lauren acted as Peter Pan then asked me to run away with her to Neverland and never return, I would do so. All by following those penetrating emerald eyes of hers and never looking back on the so called life I would be leaving behind.

That night's nightmare had been no different than the past four that week; same situation, same occupants, same outcome. Each time, I would attempt to explain myself to my parents and how I had tried to be fixed, I asked for the 'lords' help. I even went to Father Mathews at the church we'd attend each Sunday morning and asked for his guidance. However what I got was anything but guidance. Turns out Father Matthews (the young new minister at our church) had bigger plans for little old me. Instead of getting the advice I needed I was given a lesson in sexual harassment. My parents hadn't believed me despite the evidence that were the bruises on my arm from the attempts of trying to get away from him. Luckily, kicking him in the balls did the trick and I ran to the only place I could think of, Dinah. Now in real life I got to Dinah's house before anything could really happen, but in the nightmare I wasn't so lucky. Father Mathews would catch up to me and well, that's when I wake up in the sweat.

I took a sip of the warm drink as I was brought back to reality by the sound of my phone vibrating on the kitchen counter. I was shocked when I looked at the screen and saw that it had been a message from the older English major.

Lauren: Morning sunshine!! I bet you're still asleep but I just got up for my morning workout and thought I'd text you to tell you how excited I am to have coffee with you today!! :) OH, and I had a pretty good dream about this girl I met yesterday, her name's Camila, and she's really, really, stunning ;) See you at noon pretty girl! Xo

I nearly choked on my coffee the moment I read that Lauren was now on her way for a morning workout, I glanced once more at the time, 5:45am. I guess I wasn't crazy to be up at such an hour. The thought of Lauren working her abdominal muscles, along with those shoulders, well, that was enough to cause a whole new type of thirst. Since there was no sense in trying to hide that I was obviously attracted to the green-eyed athlete, I decided I'd reply.

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