Chapter Five

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Mason had visited Giselle almost everyday after their date. He would bring her little things like a candy bar, a bag of gummies, or a bottle of her favorite soda. Giselle didn't want him wasting his money on her, but he insisted, and he refused to take anything back. He also told her many times that he didn't want her buying him anything, since she had to provide for a house full of people.

Mason worked out of his home as a mechanic, and when he wasn't working as a mechanic, he was doing little odd jobs that people needed finished. He had quite a bit of money saved up, mostly from his mother, but he didn't want to waste the money. For now, he was going to make his own money, and add small amounts to what he inherited, incase he ever had children, or if he had a medical emergency.

Almost two weeks had gone by since their date, and Mason planned to take her on another one soon. He planned to bring her to a drive in move about an hour away from Endora. He told Giselle that she could lie and tell her family that a friend of hers was taking her, if she didn't want her family to know about him. He would meet her in town if he had to, and he was willing to do anything to spend time with the girl.

Gilbert believed that Mason was staying away from Giselle, since he wasn't around Lamson's as often when Giselle was. Arnie was oblivious to all of it, since he didn't know what was going on in the first place. Gilbert didn't want to bring him into it either, just incase things got complicated. Besides, he knew if Giselle got mad at him, he would be able to save Arnie from having to endure her wrath.

Anyhow, the day had come for Mason and Giselle's second date. Giselle had dressed a bit more normal, since she didn't want to call attention to herself. She was still dressed a little more girly than normal, but it was a date, and she didn't want to look like a scrub. She wasn't sure what all Mason had planned, so she wanted to dress for any occasion.

"Where are you going, G?" Gilbert asked, as Giselle climbed into her car

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"Where are you going, G?" Gilbert asked, as Giselle climbed into her car.

"So, one of my friends from school came back to Endora to visit her mom. She invited me out with her and a few other girls for dinner, a movie, and probably a little bit of shopping. I'll be back by ten, I promise." Giselle answered, giving her brother a smile.

Before he could argue, Giselle started her car and drove away from him. Gilbert didn't know if he believed her, since they hadn't been in school for years, but at the same time, he remembered Giselle having quite a lot of friends in school. She was a bit of a social butterfly, but he wasn't. He only ever had a couple of friends, and he still hung out with them to this day.

Anyhow, Giselle met Mason at the drugstore, and left her car to use his. She couldn't have him driving her home, so she had to bring her own car. As soon as she was in his car, Mason drove out of town. He wasn't sure if he would like the town when he first arrived, but after meeting the townspeople, especially Giselle, he knew he'd like the small town. He just wasn't sure if he'd live there forever, but he couldn't exactly predict the future either.

"We're going to get dinner, then we're going to stop at a couple stores. One store we're getting snacks and stuff for the movie, and then the other store, I want to buy you something. Then we'll go to the movie." Mason stated, and Giselle smiled.

She knew she couldn't argue about him buying her things, since he would buy them anyway and deliver them while she was at work. They stopped at a small diner for food. Mason ordered a bacon burger, and Giselle ordered a thing of cheese fries and a milkshake. Giselle didn't eat all her fries, so Mason had to eat the rest. She would always order too much food, so whoever was with her had to be prepared to eat whatever she didn't.

The first store they stopped at, Mason went and grabbed bottle cap candies, chocolate bars, and a few packs of gummies, while Giselle grabbed a couple bottles of his and her favorite sodas. Once they got what they needed, Mason brought Giselle to another store. They walked around for a while, until Giselle found a couple shirts she wanted. One was Michael Jackson and the other was Nirvana.

"What's your favorite song to listen to on repeat?" Mason asked, as he drove them to the drive-in theater.

"Well, I'm a huge fan of a lot of songs, but I think the one song I listen to a lot is My Girl by the Temptations. I know all the words, and I don't think I'll ever get tired of that song." Giselle answered, before Mason paid for tickets.

What Giselle didn't know was that Mason was coming up with a plan on how to ask her to be his girlfriend. He was trying to get as much information as he could to come up with some ideas. He knew she was a huge fan of music, he knew her favorite movie was Nightmare on Elm Street, he knew the names of all of her family, he knew her birthday, and now he knew her favorite song.

When he got home, he was going to write down a few ideas that came to his head, and he was going to pick the best one. She was going to be his girlfriend if he played his cards right, and he definitely didn't want to screw it up. He knew Gilbert would have his head if he screwed up or upset Giselle in anyway, especially after he told Mason to stay away from her...

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