Chapter Eleven

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The moment Gilbert got home from work, his mother and older sister were yelling at him. Arnie had seen that Giselle was upset, so he had sat and cuddled with her for a while. Gilbert kept arguing that it was safer and better for Giselle if she wasn't with Mason anymore, but his mother and sister refused to listen to his reasoning. They were pissed, and they forced him to go tell Mason he was sorry and he overreacted.

"I shouldn't have to tell him a damn thing! I'm protecting my sister!" He yelled, and that was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Giselle untangled herself from Arnie's cuddles, and took off running out of the house. She didn't even grab the keys to her car. She just left without a word to anyone, or a thing in her hand to give any indication of where she was going.

"You go apologize to Mason right now, Gilbert Grape. He and Giselle were happy together. Tell him you overreacted, and that they can be together, then you stay out of their relationship for good." Amy spat, and Gilbert sighed.

There wasn't a way he could win the fight or prove that he was right. Arnie kept repeating, "Gilbert's in trouble," which made the older boy even more irritated. Arnie wasn't the best at knowing when to be quiet, and sometimes even when he was told to be quiet, he would continue to be loud and overly excited.

Gilbert stomped out of the house and went to his truck. He drove slowly to the house where Mason lived, and when he arrived, he still stayed in his truck for a while. He didn't want to go inside, nor did he want to see Mason at all. To him, Mason was the bad guy in the situation, since he had told Giselle the truth, instead of just breaking up with her and leaving it at that.

Knowing he would get into more shit if he started a fight with Mason, he decided to suck up his pride and go to the door. Gilbert knocked three times, and Mason came to the door after a moment or two.

"What?" Mason asked, when he seen it was Gilbert outside his door.

"First, I wanna say I'm sorry." Gilbert commented, causing Mason to scoff.

"For what? Making me break up with Giselle, or trying to dictate and ruin our lives?" He questioned,"Take your pick." He added, and Gilbert sighed.

"Look Mason, I realized I overreacted some. I've never seen Giselle so happy in a relationship, and I sure as hell haven't seen her so torn up over a breakup. Honestly, I didn't know you two were that close, and if I did, I never would've said anything." Gilbert said, and Mason nodded after pursing his lips.

"What do you want, Gilbert?" Mason asked, crossing his arms.

"I want you to get back with my sister. I promise to stay out of your relationship completely, and the only time I'll say anything is if you hurt my sister." Gilbert replied, making Mason sigh.

"You have no idea how much I want to be with her, but I'm not willing to put her or myself through another breakup like that again because you change your mind. I'm not that cruel, and--" He ranted, but Gilbert cut him off.

"No, I won't. You two are supposed to be together, and I'm not going to get into the middle of it anymore." Gilbert said, and Mason nodded.

"Fine, let's go and see Giselle." Mason replied, motioning to the door.

Mason and Gilbert climbed into their vehicles and drove towards the house, neither of them knowing what had happened to Giselle while they were talking to each other.

While the two were talking at Mason's house, Giselle was busy walking down the road. The sky was dark, and tears were still heavy in her eyes. She planned to go back home once she calmed down and no longer wanted to kill Gilbert.

Before Giselle had time to react, a truck came speeding down the road and hit her. She rolled over the top of the truck, after slamming her head on the windshield. The moment she hit the ground, she became unconscious.

"Oh my god!" A lady yelled, as she jumped out of the car.

"We need to get her to the hospital." A man said, and the woman nodded.

"Grab the board from the back of the truck. We need to try to not move her too much. She may have a broken neck or back." The woman commented, before the man ran to the truck.

The man and woman carefully put Giselle on the board, and carried her to the back of the truck. The woman road in the back with Giselle to make sure she didn't roll around too much. As soon as they got to the hospital, they carried her inside and yelled for a doctor.

"What happened?" The doctor asked, seeing the unconscious girl.

"I-I didn't see her. I didn't mean to hit her." The man said, as Giselle was loaded onto a gurney.

"Oh God, that's Giselle Grape." A nurse murmured, her eyes going wide.

Amy had been cleaning the dishes from dinner, after she had placed two plates in the fridge for Gilbert and Giselle later, when the house phone began to ring. She dried her hands with a dish towel placed next to the sink, before she went over to the phone and grabbed it. She held the phone to her ear, as she walked back over to the sink to finish washing dishes.

"Is this Mrs. Grape?" A woman asked, causing Amy to pause with a dish in her hand.

"No, this is her daughter, Amy." The girl replied, and she heard murmurs on the other end.

"I'm nurse Justine at Endora Hospital, and I'm calling in regard of Giselle Grape." The nurse said, causing Amy's heart to skip a beat.

"What happened? Is she okay?" Amy asked, her breath hollow.

"Ms. Grape, your sister was hit by a vehicle. She's currently in an emergency surgery, but we need family down here to sign off on her papers." The nurse replied, and Amy dropped the glass plate, causing it to shatter.

Everything around her became silent, as her heart seemed to beat louder and louder in her ears...

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