Chapter Thirteen

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The doctor came into the small waiting room about an hour after the nurse. The doctor didn't have a smile on his face, which made Mason think there was bad news, but the doctor also wasn't wearing a frown, so Mason was a bit unsure of what the word on Giselle could be.

"Are you three family of Ms. Grape?" The doctor asked, and Amy nodded.

"What's all wrong with her?" Amy asked, knowing the men were too worried to speak.

"Well, Ms. Grape had internal bleeding in her abdomen, but once we stitched it up, there wasn't any severe damage. She suffered three broken ribs on her right side, her left wrist was broken, as well as her left forearm, so she has a pretty big cast. Her right ankle was fractured, and her right knee is severely swollen. She suffered a major blow to the head, which knocked her unconscious almost immediately after she hit the ground. We know she has a concussion, and there may be bleeding in her brain. If she wakes up today, she'll be fine, if not, we're not sure if she'll make it." The doctor stated, and almost instantly the three began to cry.

"Can we see her?" Mason asked, his voice barely audible.

"Normally, we only allow two visitors at a time, but with something as unsure as this, I'll allow you all to go. Her room is number thirteen in the ICU." The doctor replied, pointing to the area of the ICU.

Amy lead the way to Giselle's room, and the moment they walked inside, Mason felt his walls crumble. There were so many tubes and wires connected to Giselle, and there were so many cuts and bruises that he could barely tell if she was alive. His heart felt like it fell to his stomach, as tears ran down his cheeks.

Walking over, he bent down and carefully grasped Giselle's good hand, and brought it to his mouth. He placed a light kiss on her hand, holding her hand softly to keep from hurting her. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, and it was eating away at him every second he looked at her. Amy and Gilbert stepped out of the room, to give Mason a moment alone with Giselle.

"Giselle, I am so, so sorry this happened to you. You should've never been that upset that you left the house without a car. You should've never been on the side of the road at night. I should've fought harder for you. I shouldn't have let myself be defeated. You're my everything, and I can't lose you," He cried,"Please, please wake up, Giselle. If you don't, I don't think I could live with myself." He whimpered, but tried to force himself to calm down a bit.

He placed a kiss on her hand once more, and gave it a gentle squeeze, before stepping away from the girl. He needed to step out of the room and clear his head, otherwise he was going to lose his mind. He couldn't chance hurting her or anyone else because of his emotions.

"You can go back in." Mason murmured, after stepping out of the room.

"You okay?" Amy asked, placing a gentle hand on Mason's shoulder.

"I just--I need a minute. I'll be back in there after I clear my head a bit." He replied, and she simply nodded and squeezed his shoulder slightly.

Mason let out a quiet sigh, before he began to walk towards the entrance of the hospital. Once he was outside, he went straight to his car, leaned against it, and began to cry.

"Mason?" He heard, causing him to look up.

At that moment, his emotions took the better of him. He was sad, he was upset, and he became angry. An angry scowl came to his face, as Gilbert approached him.

"This is your fault." Mason said, pointing directly at Gilbert.

"What? How?" Gilbert asked, becoming defensive immediately.

His sister was in the ICU, and there was a chance she wouldn't make it, and he didn't know what to do, but here he was trying to help her boyfriend, only for the man to become angry and accusatory.

"If you hadn't forced us to break up, if you would've minded your own business, this never would've happened! She never would've left the house on foot! She never would've gotten hit in the first place, if you would've kept your damn mouth shut!" Mason exclaimed, and Gilbert knew then that Mason was trying to blame him because he wasn't comfortable with all the emotions he was feeling.

At the same time though, Gilbert felt like Mason was right. It was all his fault that Giselle had gotten hit by a truck. If he would've stayed out of her business, and out of her relationship, she would've never gotten hit and put in the hospital at all. She would still be at home, being the loving and caring sister she always had been. Now, there was a chance she'd never come home again.

"God, Gilbert," Mason murmured,"I'm sorry. I didn't mean--it's not your fault. This could've happened at anytime." He said, but Gilbert sighed and shook his head.

"No, you're right, it's my fault, but Giselle is a strong girl, and she'll make it just fine." Gilbert commented, and Mason nodded.

"I can't lose her, Gilbert, I just can't. She's all I have." Mason cried, causing Gilbert to feel horrible.

Both men weren't fans of affection from others, especially hugs, but they needed it. So, Gilbert walked over and hugged Mason, and Mason hugged him back. They needed to be strong together for her. They could go back to hating each other any day, but for now, she needed them, and they had to put their differences aside. Besides, eventually they would become friends, even if it was only for Giselle's benefit. They just hoped they could handle whatever was to come their way when it came to Giselle...

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